2.1 - Asher Adams

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Author's Note: All-American is back, which means a NEW Asher fan fiction for y'all! This does NOT continue from the previous fan fiction.

This chapter is super short. I'm gonna try my best to follow the show. So, some chapters might be shorter than others. As always, let me know what you think.


Asher took off his sunglasses, his eyes immediately landed a on Y/N. She was sitting on a beach chair, letting the sun kiss her skin as she read a book. Despite all the noise around her, she was focus on a summer romance novel.

Asher couldn't stop staring at her in awe. Her hair was up in a messy bun. She had little to no makeup on, and he was slightly upset she had a pair of black sunglasses covering her beautiful eyes.

Y/N was smart, beautiful, and kind. It scared Asher for multiple reasons. Although they were friends, Asher had the feeling Y/N never saw him as something more. However, that didn't stop him from imagining what it would be like to take her out on a date, carry her books and hold her hand while walking down the hallway, and seeing her cheer for him while he was on the field.

"Bro, when are gonna tell her?" JJ's voice broke Asher's train of thoughts.

"Tell who what?" Asher asked, pretending he wasn't staring at Y/N.

"Dude," JJ placed his hand on Asher's shoulder with a huge smile on his face, "you look at Y/N the way my mom looks at her Bentley."

"Oh, whatever, man," Asher tried to brush it off. "You're tripping. Tripping." He briefly looked back at Y/N. She had already put her book away in her beach tote bag and got up from her chair. Asher put his sunglasses back on and turned around. "Hey, who's ready to play football?" He called out as he jogged back to the guys.

Y/N turned around at the sound of Asher's voice. He was jogging back to join his friends. They huddled up together before setting up the play to start the game. She watched Asher run up to JJ before spinning on his heels and going around him to catch the ball from Jordan. Asher ran towards the end zone and scored. His lips formed a huge smile as his team gave him high fives.

Y/N couldn't help but smile. She's noticed he's been on Cloud 9 since they won their state championship. Prior to that, Asher had been struggling a lot and he wasn't smiling much during his dark days. She knew what he was going through and she tried to be there for him as much as he let her. As much as she wanted to, she never once pushed him to talk to her. Eventually and slowly, he knocked down his walls and let her in. It wasn't easy as Asher is stubborn and cares a lot about his pride and reputation more than anything else. But underneath the popular jock, is a sweet and caring guy... the guy Y/N is in love with.

"Girly, when are you gonna tell him?" Olivia's voice broke Y/N's train of thoughts.

"Tell who what?" She asked confused.

"Girl, you look at Asher as if he hung the sun, the moon, and the stars."

Y/N's cheeks grew hot. "Is it that obvious?"

Olivia nodded her head with a smirk on her face.

Y/N looked back at Asher. He was giving the guys the next play before he looked up and locked eyes with Y/N. He smiled at her and waved at her before giving her a thumbs up. Her smile deflated knowing a guy wouldn't give a girl he likes a thumbs up.

Asher watched Y/N turn on her heel and walk towards the parking lot. He wished she had stayed a little longer and maybe get the chance to hang out with her for a bit.

"It's not like it matters anyways. He doesn't feel the same way," Y/N told Olivia before getting in her car.

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