3.9 Asher Adams

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Author's Note: I combined two of the episodes together. This is the last one until the new season returns. If y'all want more Cody imagines, you can send requests and ideas!

Happy Reading!


Her stomach twisted in a knot. Y/N knew something was wrong. She had just reached the gates to enter the stadium, but everything seemed fine. There wasn't any sign of trouble. She hated to even think about it, but maybe her horrible gut wrenching feeling was telling her Beverly was going to lose the State championship.

She shook that thought away as she handed over her ticket to the person at the entrance gate. She walked in and scanned the crowd. Her heart dropped to her stomach when she spotted Mr. Adams was crying underneath the bleachers. She weaved in and out of the crowd, making her way towards him as fast as she could without trying to think of the worst.

"Mr. Adams, is everything okay?" She asked after she tapped his shoulder.

He turned around to look at her. He shook his head, causing the fear she had to grow more intense. "No. He needs you."

"Where is he?" She asked immediately. She was sure the teams were already making their way on the field to warm up before the coin toss.

"In the locker room," he answered.

She should have asked why he was still in there instead of going out on the field, but she didn't. She took off towards the locker room as fast as she could. She bumped into a couple of people, quickly mumbling 'I'm sorry's'. She was panting hard, trying to catch her breath when she reached the boys' locker room door. Without knocking or asking if anyone was inside, she pushed the door open. She followed the short hallway and as she turned the corner, she saw tears flowing down Coach Montes's cheeks.

Y/N didn't know what was wrong, but she was more scared than she was before now that she saw another person crying. Something bad must have really happened to Asher and for some strange reason, Y/N's last conversation with Asher from last week crossed her mind..

Y/N walked into the boys' locker room. She knew she shouldn't be in there but she had to talk to Jordan. He would be the only one to help JJ.

As she walked further into the boys locker room, she was sure no one was here. It was practically empty. She turned on her heel, ready to exit the locker room when she saw Asher sitting on the bench in front of his locker.

He was gazing off somewhere. A worried look on his handsome face. His hands were clasped together as one of his legs shook up and down quickly. It was no secret there was a lot on Asher's mind. Truthfully, so did Y/N. She hadn't spoken to Asher since the night she took him home. After JJ called her, Y/N and Asher were silent the entire ride. There was tension in the car and they didn't know how to lessen it.

If he wasn't in such a worried state, Y/N would have slowly turned around and sneaked out without him noticing she was in the locker room in the first place. But, she couldn't do that. She always had a soft spot for Asher and she wasn't gonna leave him when something was clearly on his mind.

"Hey," Y/N spoke softly. Asher jumped, not expecting anyone to be in the locker room this early before the game. She gave him a half smile and apologized. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

He turned to face her. His eyes were filled with worry. "Do you think Montes believes in me?" He blurted out.

Y/N sat down next to him on the bench. She remembered talking to him about holding hands. She didn't want that if they weren't together, which is why she hesitated for a second before she reached for his hand. He was struggling and she wanted him to know she's here for him.

She held it tight between her hands and locked her eyes with his. "I think the better question is do you believe in yourself?"

Asher squeezed her hand as he let out a frustrated sigh. "I don't know what to believe anymore.  I've been busting my ass off for a scholarship.Nothing seems to be going my way."

"I believe in you," she said honestly. His eyes welled up. She cupped his cheek and brushed her thumb along his cheekbone. "You never quit and whatever it is, you always give it 110%, Ash. It's one of the many things I admire about you. I wish I had your confidence and your determination. You are a force to be wreckin with. And if no one can't see that- especially college scouts, then they don't deserve you. I've seen how amazing you are and you deserve a school that will see the greatness in you, Asher."

Asher's heart soared. He looked at her in awe. He was beginning to regret letting her go. He leaned towards her. Y/N's heart rate began to pick up as she knew what he was about to do. She briefly looked down at his lips before she locked her eyes with his again.

He leaned in. He lifted his hand to cup her cheek but immediately dropped it when Jordan barged in saying, "did you see what he did?"

JJ was on his heels and immediately bumped into him when Jordan quickly stopped in his tracks. Jordan gave Asher and Y/N a raised eyebrow, knowing exactly what he saw. Or what was about to happen.

"I'm freaking out! Okay?!" JJ shouted a bit too loud and walked around Jordan.

"Whoa," Asher said as he noticed JJ had dyed his hair a bright orange color.

"That's exactly why I came here to talk to you about..." Y/N trailed as she remembered dying JJ hair didn't go as planned.

"He had so much potential," Coach Montes said between sniffles, pulling Y/N out of her trance. "I believed in him and I knew he could do it, but no-" she stopped as she saw the fear in Y/N's eyes grow more. "He needs you. Take all the time you need," she wiped her cheeks once more before she left the locker room.

Y/N jumped when she heard Asher scream followed by a loud noise. She stepped into the big open locker room. Asher picked up another chair and threw it. He yelled in anger and heartbreak. He kicked the chair.

"Asher!" Y/N sobbed. She was scared. The echo of her racing bearing heart drummed against her ears. She closed the gap between them. She immediately cupped his cheeks. She wiped his fallen tears. Her heart broke into pieces when she looked into his sad, broken, red puffy eyes.

"It's over," he said. "Everything I've worked for.. my football career.... Coastal California... It's all over," he said in between sobs.

"What?" She whispered. She was confused. She had no idea what was happening, why he was crying, why it was all over, and why he wasn't out on the field about to play the most important game he'll ever have in a lifetime.

"The doctor found something," more tears filled his eyes. Y/N's heart stopped, immediately thinking the worst. "I have cardiomyopathy... I can never play sports again."

Asher broke down again. Instead of continuing to trash the locker room, he leaned forward and clung to Y/N. She wrapped her arms tightly around him and cried with him. Her heart was broken. For him, everything was over. What he wanted most in the word was gone in a blink of an eye.

What would he do now? Did he even have a back up plan if football wasn't in the cards for him? Can he still afford to go to a college without a scholarship? Did he want to go to school....?

She didn't know how he could get through this. She would be there for him whether he wanted her to or not. She loved him too much to let him go through this alone.

"It's okay, baby," she sniffled. "We'll figure this out together," she promised.

Cody Christian, Theo Raeken, & Asher Adams ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now