2.4- Asher Adams

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Y/N held her purse to her shoulder tightly as she picked up the pace. She didn't need to look at her watch. She knew she was late when she last checked the time 5 minutes ago. Asher had called her earlier and asked for a huge favor.

"Would you mind going with me to see my mom?" He asked, slowly and carefully, too scared Y/N would say no.

Of course she didn't say no. She would never say no to Asher during his time of need. She not only liked being there for him, but she liked that he wanted her there. Not only did he see something in her that made him trust her, but there was also this sense of comfort he felt when she was there for him. Asher was about to see his mom for the first time in a long time, and no one else crossed his mind when he realized he needed someone by his side for support.

"Hey! Sorry, I'm late," she immediately said as she saw Asher.

"Hey," he said nervously before he exhaled deeply. "Why am I so nervous?""

"It's been a year. I'm sure she's just as nervous as you," she reassured him. She wanted to hug him or hold his hand, something that would comfort him more than her words.

Asher opened the door before Y/N walked in. Asher's eyes immediately landed on his mother and time stood still. All the good and bad memories came flooding in. He was overwhelmed with so many mixed emotions. As soon as he hugged his mother, he felt a familiar comfort, something the hadn't felt since she walked away. His eyes welled up with tears, wanting to hold her forever and never let her go again.

Gwen chuckled and pulled back to look at her son. She cupped his cheek, seeing how much he's changed and grown in such a short amount of time.

"Do you remember Y/N?" Asher asked.

Y/N took a small forward as Gwen smiled and nodded. "Yes, I do," she paused. "Wait, are you two...?" She trailed.

Both Asher and Y/N sightly panicked and immediately shook their heads. "No," they said at the same time.

"Well, that's too bad," Gwen said. "You look cute together."

Asher's heart skipped a beat and Y/N's stomach fluttered. No one had never mentioned how cute they would look together had they dated. Asher has been pressured by JJ to ask her out, and Olivia has teased Y/N anytime Asher was around. This was also the first time someone thought they were together, and for a split second Y/N wondered what it would be like if she was dating Asher and what others would say about them two dating.

"Please, sit," Gwen said as she gestured the empty seats to Asher and Y/N. "Tell me everything."

"About what?" Asher asked carefully. He wasn't sure exactly what his mom was asking about. Was she curious about school and football? Or how him or his dad are doing without her?

"Well your life," she answered.

"You want to know about my life?"

Y/N heard the hurt in his hard and slightly cold tone. She knew she shouldn't be here for this part of conversation. "Maybe I should-" she started to suggest.

"No, no, no," Asher interrupted quickly. " I want you to stay."

Y/N saw the pleading in his eyes. She couldn't say no to him, nor did she want to. She sat next to Asher.

His muscles relaxed a bit. He turned to look back at his mom. "It's been a year, mom."

"I know."

"So, why now? What changed?" He asked, hoping to finally get some answers as to why she suddenly left without any explanation.

"I wish I could tell you, but just know I have missed you everyday," she answered.

Asher stayed quiet. It wasn't exactly what he wanted to hear. He wanted answers. He wanted something more than just words. He wanted her to make a change, to be back in his life.

"Asher said you have some news," Y/N decided to say, hoping it'll give Asher some answers.

"Yes," her body language changed. She seemed more scared. It was obvious her news could make Asher more upset than he already is, and Y/N was hoping Gwen's news was wouldn't crush him.

"Um, Jacob, my boyfriend, proposed. We're getting married," she lifted her hand and showed off a huge diamond ring.

This was definitely not the news Y/N wanted to hear. Asher had come so far. He's been doing so well and is focused on bettering his future. She silently hoped and prayed this wouldn't take him down a dark path again. She wouldn't let that happen. She promised herself right then and there, she would be there for him and try her best to prevent him from drinking and skipping school again.

Y/N tried to give Gwen her best smile. "It's a beautiful ring, Gwen."

"Thank you, Y/N," she beamed. Her smile filtered as her eyes landed on her son. "Asher?"


"Aren't you gonna say anything?" She wanted a little bit of excitement, perhaps some joy from him. A small 'Congratulations!' is all she wanted.

"About the ring?" He asked annoyed.

"About the engagement- me and Jacob-"

"Mom, I don't even know Jacob," he cut her off.

"I know, but that's about to change."

"Are we done here?" He asked, getting ready to get up and leave.


"Look, mom, you wanted to tell me your big news and now I know," he said angrily.

"Look that's not the reason why I asked you here. I can't marry Jacob until your father and I are officially divorced and Harold keeps avoiding the divorce papers. I've tried to serve him a lot of times, but-"

"Wait," Y/N interrupted. She had a sense where Gwen was leading this conversation to, but she didn't think Gwen actually had the nerve to do it. "What are you asking him to do?" Y/N asked.

"Well, I'm hoping ... that you'll serve Harold with the divorce papers," Gwen pulled out an envelope and slid it across the table towards Asher.

Son of a bitch, Y/N thought to herself. Underneath the table, she reached for his hand and held it. Asher sat still for a second, both in shock with his mother's request and Y/N holding his hand.

Without thinking twice about it, Asher held on to her hand tight, accepting her comfort and appreciating her support.

"Finalizing this is the best thing for everybody, including your father. just think about it," Gwen said. "I love you, baby" she kissed his forehead before leaving him with the papers.

He turned around to look at Y/N. The pain and hurt in his eyes made her want to wrap her arms around him and hold him tight, while whispering in his ear, 'I got you.'

Instead, she leaned in and rested her chin on his shoulder. She tightened her grip in his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze and said, "everything is going to be okay."

Cody Christian, Theo Raeken, & Asher Adams ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now