Sugar Daddy (Cody x Reader)

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"What did you think of the food?" Cody asked Y/N once the waiter removed their plates.

She put her wine glass down after taking a small sip. "It was delicious." She tried her best to give him a genuine smile. She hoped he bought it. She fiddled with her fingers underneath the silky ivory tablecloth. She looked down and tried to pull down her short black cocktail dress, an item Cody bought for her after their third date and insisted she wear it tonight. She felt extremely uncomfortable. The dress showed off more skin than she would have liked to and the restaurant was completely out of her budget. Hell, she couldn't even afford the $20 side garden salad, let alone the $200 bottle wine Cody ordered for tonight's dinner.

The waiter returned. "Would you two like the dessert menu?"

Y/N was about to protest, but Cody spoke before she even had the chance. "Yes."

"Right away, sir." The waiter quickly vanished to get the menu and left the couple alone for a few minutes.

Cody placed his open hand on the table, asking for her hand. He gently held her hand once she placed it on his. He rubbed her soft skin and looked at her naked wrist. He couldn't help but smile knowing his next gift would be perfect.

"I have a surprise for you."

"You do?" She asked nervously. Lately, she's been hating his surprises. They were always so expensive.

With his free hand, he reached out for a black box from the inside pocket of his coat. He slid it across the table. Y/N looked down at the box in front of her. The box was bigger than a ring box, but she was still scared to know what was in it.

Please don't let it be diamonds, she thought to herself. She wrapped her fingers around the box. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Please don't let it be diamonds. She repeated.

She opened her eyes at the same time she opened the box. Unfortunately, it was exactly what she thought. In the box was a beautiful diamond tennis bracelet with matching diamond earrings.

"Do you love it?" He asked as he watched her with a huge smile on his face. She swallowed hard, unsure what to say. Cody chuckled as he reached for the box. "You're speechless. I knew you'd love it. Let me put it on for you."

"Sorry to interrupt, but I'll just leave the menu here," the waiter said before he placed two dessert menus on the table and walked away. Y/N's eyes quickly scanned the prices on the menu. Some of the items were the same price as a garden salad and some cost more. She shook her head as Cody reached for her wrist to put on the bracelet.

"Umm," she pulled away from his hand. "I need to go to the bathroom real quick. I don't want to get it wet."

"It's water resistant, baby. It's fine."

"No, no," she shook her head as she grabbed her clutch, which was also purchased by the man in front of her. "I'll be quick. I promise."

"Take your time. I'll go ahead and look at the menu. I'll take care of the dessert."

"Okay," she pushed her chair back in and walked towards the bathroom. When she knew she was out of Cody's view, she made her way to the front. She handed over her ticket for her coat. Y/N quickly mumbled a thank you when the lady returned Y/N's coat. Then, Y/N made her way to the front and exited the restaurant.

Inside, Cody checked his watch. The waiter cleared his throat, bringing Cody's attention to him. "Sir, your date just dashed. I'm not leaving until you pay your bill. My manager will call the cops if you decide to dash before taking care of your bill, sir," he said as he placed the bill on the table and in front of Cody.

Cody Christian, Theo Raeken, & Asher Adams ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now