Pretty Boy and Pretty Girl (Part 3) - Cody

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2 Years Later

Y/N scanned the crowded room in front of her. She had been asked to attend a comic con in Nashville. She had done a couple of comic cons before and she enjoyed every minute of it. She loved meeting and interacting with her fans. She listened to every story told. She hugged every fan and even wiped the tears away for the few that cried because they were finally meeting her. She did the photo ops like a pro and didn't mind doing any poses if the fans requested one, and she made sure to personalize every single autograph.

That was her favorite part of the con. However, doing panels was a different story. She was always afraid what kind of questions fans would ask her, especially personal questions that didn't involve talking about her music career. Plus, she was always worried she would say the wrong thing or stuttered while trying to answer a question.

"Being on stage is completely different than being on this kind of stage," she answered a fan question. "When I'm on a comic con stage, I get extremely nervous," she chuckled. "But when I'm on stage to perform, I'm more at home. It's comfortable. I know what to do and I know what to expect. I have control. Here, you never know what you're going to get," she chuckled nervously. "But this is fun. I get to meet some of you guys at my booth and some of the questions you ask me are interesting," she laughed again.

"What is the weirdest question you've ever gotten from a fan?" The moderator asked.

Y/N paused for a second, trying to think of a good answer. "If I could be a sock, what kind would I be?" The crowd laughed with Y/N. "If you think about it, it's actually a good question. I mean there are so many different types of socks. Long, short, no show. Cotton. Colored. Striped. Cartoons, and the list goes on," the crowd laughed at her response.

"Alright, I think we got about 5 minutes left, which means we probably have time for one more question. Maybe, two," The moderator said as he looked at the next person standing in front of the microphone, waiting for their turn.

Backstage, Cody was watching the entire panel. He had arrived shortly after she had gotten on stage and he was going to surprise her when she got off stage. He knew she was going to be here and he told her a little white lie. He said he would wrap his movie the day after tomorrow, when actually he wrapped last night. He had planned it earlier this week when production told him he would finish a few days earlier than expected. Y/N had no clue he was waiting for her backstage with a bouquet of her favorite flowers.

"Hi," a tall girl said with a huge small. She wore a shirt of Y/N and her band members from a tour a couple of years ago. "My question is kind of personal, so it's okay if you don't want to answer it." Y/N hesitated before she nodded her head, motioning the fan to continue. "Could you tell us the story of when you first met Cody?"

Y/N smiled as her mind flashback to the moment Cody opened the door at Dylan's house. She giggled, causing all the fans to smile while waiting for her answer. What she didn't know was Cody had asked the sound guy for an extra microphone to go on stage and answer the question himself, surprising her and her fans.

"That's a very good question," she smiled. "I-"

"I think I should answer this question," Cody spoke to the microphone as he made his way up to the stage with the bouquet of flowers in one hand. The crowd went crazy, cheering, clapping, and screaming for Cody's presence.

Y/N's eyes were immediately filled with tears, touched by the sweet surprise. She got up as he stood in front of her. He gave her the flowers, which she greatly accepted before placing them on the table. They embraced each other in a tight hug. She buried her face at the crook of his neck, trying to fight the tears from falling. Cody chuckled as he ran his fingers through her hair.

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