3.4 - Asher Adams

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Author's Note: I combined last week's episode with tonight's episode. I hope y'all don't mind and enjoy!


"How the hell you gonna fault me for being loyal and faithful? You lied to me! I was completely honest with you about meeting Vanessa this summer!" Asher said angrily.

"Yeah, weeks after she got here," Y/N corrected him.

"You knew the whole time and didn't say anything. Why?" Asher asked. "Why not confront me, Y/N? Unless you had crap to feel guilty about too! You think I don't see how close you and Spencer are after spending the whole summer together?"

Y/N's mind flashback to her last night in Vegas.

She had just opened the gift Spencer had bought her. It was the necklace she saw from the store they were shopping at earlier today. She couldn't believe he went out of his way to buy her something she loved.

"I needed clarity. I got it now," he admitted.

"Spencer," Y/N said above a whisper. Her heart thundered against her chest. She was too scared to know what would happen next.

He closed the gap between them, cupped her cheeks, and pulled her in for a kiss. He kissed her with everything he had, making up for lost time. He pulled back carefully and looked back and forth between her eyes. She didn't say anything. She didn't stop him. But, he still didn't know what was going through her mind.

What was on her mind, scared the hell out of her. The second his lips touched hers, it was as if the world stopped and suddenly everything made sense. She leaned in and kissed him back, this time with so much passion and fire.

"I love you," Spencer said honestly when he pulled back and locked his eyes with hers. Her heart dropped to her stomach. "I ain't even sure when it happened. Maybe the night I got shot or watching movies with you all summer or maybe it's been my first day since Beverly. I ain't realized it then, but, now, I do. I'm in love with you."

Y/N pulled back a bit, feeling guilty. "We can't. What about Asher?"

Y/N snapped back into reality, looking at a furious Asher. "Why-" She put her hands on her head, as if she was getting a headache from all the mess finally coming out. "Why can't we all just leave summer in the past?!"

"Because this summer meant something to me, Y/N!" Asher screamed. "I've realized so much about myself."

"You mean Vanessa helped you realized," she said, fighting so hard not to roll her eyes as she looked away from him. .

"No. No, I did the work! I'm capable of doing things for myself, Y/N! I'm not some messed up that needs someone to fix my problems all the time!"

"Is that how I make you feel?" She asked, too scared to know there's some truth behind that question.

"I torpedoed my junior year and got kicked out of my house. You got me to stop drinking and found me a place to live. I almost missed my combine, you made sure I had a spot. I take steroids, you called your dad into the rescue. My dad's alcoholism? Y/N to the rescue!"

"Why is any of that a bad thing?" She asked.

"Because I didn't need you to save me! What I needed was for you to believe that I could save myself! But of course, you had to show up every time with that 'S' on your chest!"

"I guess I don't know how to stand by and watch someone I love in pain and not try to help," Y/N's eyes welled up. Her heart was breaking by the second and she couldn't seem to stop it. She couldn't seem to fix things with Asher. It was too late. Too much had happened over the summer. Too many lies. It was bound to explode and ruin everything, just like Y/N had predicted.

"I know, and it's one of the reasons that I love you, but I'm realizing that may not be the right thing for me. I let myself lean on you because it was easier than having to find a way out of my own mess, and I'm grateful that you were here for me."

"But....?" Y/N asked quietly, already guessing what's about to happen next. She wanted to wrap her arms around him and kiss him, prevent his mouth from saying the next words she was dreading.

"But ever since school started, we haven't been able to reconnect. It's been different because we're different. I don't think either of us ever really came back from this summer. Tell me I'm wrong." Asher stared at her, deep down hoping she would tell him he was wrong, but she looked away. His heart broke into a million pieces. They had come such a long way and he hated this is how it was coming to an end.

She bit her bottom lip as a tear fell down her cheek. "I guess it just means that we're better off as friends."

"Friends, yeah," Asher said with tearfilled eyes. He sniffled. "Hopefully, one day we'll get back there."

Y/N hugged herself as she watched Asher walk away. She let out a sob when he disappeared. She didn't know what to do next. She didn't know what she could do. Everything she ever knew, her best friend and lover, had walked away and left her crying. She had woken up this morning, ready to spend the entire weekend with her closest friends and boyfriend in the woods at Spencer's family cabin. She was not expecting to go home without a boyfriend. 

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