Part 3: I Love Her (Asher Adams)

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SPOILER ALERT: This imagine contains spoilers from the 1x03 episode of All American.

Also, not proof read. Sorry for any errors. I'll go back and fix them soon, ha.


"Well, name aside, who he was comes through his work, which is why I'm trying to focus on that. So..." I could hear a hint of annoyance in Olivia's tone as spoke to Lelia without looking at her.

I quickly look down at my textbook and shifted on the sofa uncomfortably. It was obvious there was some kind of tension between the two girls, and although Olivia didn't know, I knew exactly why. It wasn't hard to forget what Asher told me what happened between him and Olivia. It had been a week since he told me and I had tried my best to avoid all three of them, Olivia, Leila, and Asher. Of course, fate was cruel as our English teacher assigned us three girls for a group assignment on Shakespeare. If it had been up to me, I would have preferred to do the assignment on my own.

"Look, I know-" Lelia started before she got interrupted.

"What's up, ladies?" My heart stopped beating as Asher approached our table. From the corner of my eye, Olivia looked extremely nervous.

"Hey, babe," Lelia said with a smile.

"Uh, what are you guys doing here?" Olivia asked.

"JJ and I are also working on the English thing. So, I figured 5 brains are better than two," Asher chuckled. I could feel his eyes burning holes through my skull as I still refused to look up and knowledge him.

"Uh, make that 4 brains. This Shakespeare dude's not really my thing, but, hey! Food's on me," JJ said as he walked away from our table and towards the counter to order a pizza for us.

Asher took off his backpack and sat next to me on the love seat. I felt all eyes on me as I still hadn't said anything to him. It was obvious they could tell something was up between me and Asher, but I wasn't ready to talk about it, nor could I if I wanted to. Too many people would get hurt and things would be worst than they already are.

Over the next hour, we all worked quietly for the most part. Olivia and Lelia occasionally asked each other questions about the assignment. When they asked for my opinion, I just nodded my head in agreement. Asher asked a couple of questions, just to get himself in a conversation with one of us, but Olivia always kept her answer short. Lelia would answer him with a smile and JJ was too busy with his eyes glued to his phone the entire time.

Lelia asked if we wanted drinks before JJ decided to go with her to help her. Olivia watched Lelia walk away before her eyes narrowed at Asher. I could tell she wanted to say something, but she was holding back because of me.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom," I lied to give Olivia a chance to say whatever she wanted. I got up and walked behind the couch. I took a couple of steps towards the bathroom, but stopped before going in. I leaned against the wall that hid me from Olivia and Asher, and overheard their conversation.

"I know what you're doing," Olivia finally said.

"Trying not to fail English?" I rolled my eyes at Asher's sarcastic comment. I was on Olivia's side. I also had a feeling why Asher decided to come over to our table and work on the assignment together. He wanted to make sure neither one of us told Lelia the truth.

"This isn't funny. I already agreed to keep our stupid hook up a secret. Okay? Your perfect boyfriend cover stays intact, happy?"

"This isn't about covering my ass," Asher said. "It's about not destroying the lives of the 4 people I care about the most. Lelia would be devastated, and Jordan would hate me for involving you."

"You would be the third person," I smirked at Olivia's accusation as she also knows how self centered Asher can be sometimes. "So, who's the fourth?"

"Actually, you're the third," he said. "I'm serious. You had a rough ride last year, and you're kind of really turning things around. I don't want to mess that up for you."

Asher cared about Olivia, more than I thought. Maybe that's why he slept with her. Maybe deep down he really does love her too. It's possible to love two people at once. I meant it's a shitty situation to be in, but maybe that's why Asher is having such a hard time and felt like the needed to talk to someone about it.

Olivia cleared her throat, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Who's the fourth?"

Asher never answered. I would have assumed it would be him, but I knew it wasn't. My gut feeling was telling me, it was me. As much as I'm angry at Asher, I miss him. If he's feeling what I'm feeling, I wouldn't be surprised if he misses me too.

Asher let out a deep sigh. "Y/N."

"What? How does she fit into this situation?" Olivia asked before she quickly put the pieces together. "Did you tell her?!" She whispered yelled at him.

I closed my eyes, trying to fight the tears forming. I didn't want her to know I knew. I didn't want Asher to admit it, because then it would just create a bigger mess and more tension between us all.

I leaned forward to kind of see them. They had their backs towards me, so I was in the clear.

Asher shook his head. "I miss her, Olivia." She opened her mouth, ready to say something, but Asher continued. "She's not talking to me. It's been a week and I don't know what to do. With everything going on..." he let out a deep frustrated sigh as he ran his hand over his face. "I need her back in my life, Olivia. I love her too much to let her go."

I leaned back and rested my head against the wall as my emotions began to overwhelm me. How could I be so angry and sad at the same time? How could I hate someone I love for cheating on his girlfriend with her best friend and yet miss him tremendously? How could I fall for his words when I know he only loves me as a best friend and not something more? My heart was saying one thing, band my brain was saying something else. I closed my eyes as I realized I had no clue what I wanted.

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