Boxing (Cody x Reader)

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Author's Note: I saw the new boxing photo Cody posted on his Twitter (before he deleted it) and couldn't help but come up with this. I hope you enjoy!


I leaned over and reached out for my phone from the coffee table as my text message ringtone dinged. I looked at the screen to see a new text message from Cody.

Boyfriend: Please don't get mad....

Me: Cody Allen! What did you do?

Boyfriend: Just remember how much you love me, because you do love me, right?

My heart jumped to my throat as a million possibilities of bad news crossed my mind. I swallowed hard before my fingers moved along the touchscreen keyboard.

Me: I do...


I gasped as my eyes immediately noticed the shiner on his handsome face

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I gasped as my eyes immediately noticed the shiner on his handsome face. Before I could call him - because I wasn't about to message him back after seeing that photo, the front door opened. I turned around to see him walking in. I immediately jumped out of the sofa and rushed towards him.

"Baby," I said as he pulled his hoodie down. The shiner looked more swollen than it did in the picture and it was at least a shade darker of purple. There was still some dried blood on his cheek too. I slowly and carefully cupped his cheeks. "My poor baby," I cooed. "What happened, Cody?"

"I finally beat my trainer," he smiled widely before he hissed. "Okay, so no smiling," he groaned.

Even though his eyes were filled with happiness and excitement, I didn't smile back. He had been boxing for two months now with his personal boxing trainer, Jack. Despite all the sore and aching muscles, the bruises, and exhaustion that came with training, Cody worked extremely hard. However, this was the first time Cody came home with a serious injury. He never came home with cuts, dried blood, and bruises on his face.

Without saying another word, I grabbed the watered down icepack he had in his hand and took his hand in mine. I led him to our shared bedroom and walked to our master bathroom. I placed him in front the sink counter and patted the surface, signaling him to sit down. As he did, I emptied out the ice pack in the sink and turned on the hot water. I quickly grabbed a small towel and placed it underneath the water. I turned it off and ringed out the water by twisting the towel in my hands. The entire time I felt Cody's eyes on me, but I couldn't look at him. Not until I had too.

I wedged myself between his legs for better access before I looked up at his face and started cleaning off the blood around his cuts. Although I was extremely careful and gentle, Cody still hissed in pain a couple of times.

When I finished, I began rising out the towel. Cody turned off the water, dropped the towel in the sink and grabbed my hands in his. "Babe, talk to me," he whispered.

Cody Christian, Theo Raeken, & Asher Adams ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now