Part 7: New Roommate

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I walked out of the gym and saw Asher leaning against my car. As I got closer, he looked up and gave me a big smile, causing me to smile back at him.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I figured I'd ride with you back to your place."

"You waited?" I asked completely surprised as I had a two hour volleyball practice after school. "Two whole hours?"

Asher nodded as he opened the trunk once I pushed the button on my keys. "I don't mind," he said as if it was no big deal. "Practice finished early. So, I went to the library and got some homework done."

"Why?" I asked as I put my gym bag and backpack in the trunk.

"So I wouldn't have to do it later," Asher said as he threw his backpack in and shut the trunk.

I chuckled and shook my head. "No. I meant why did you wait for me?"

Asher reached in for my hand. "Because you're worth the wait."

My heart fluttered against my chest and my cheeks grew hot. I pulled my hand away and playfully pushed his chest, but he didn't move at all. "You're crazy. Get in."

We got in the car and immediately put on our seatbelts before I put the key in the ignition. Asher connected his phone to my car and started playing his music as I drove out of the parking lot.

"Do you think you're parents are home already?" Asher asked.

I nodded my head. "My mom texted me after lunch saying they were home."

"Are you excited to see them?"

"Yes! It's been so long. I missed them."

"I hope it won't be too weird with me living at your house with your parents."

I rolled my eyes. "Please. My parents love you. If anything, they'll smother you with love."

Asher chuckled. "It's definitely going to be different though."

"How so?" I asked as I turned down the street to my house.

"Well, we won't get to do all the stuff together anymore." His voice hinted a little bit of sadness. "I mean I had fun cooking with you, doing laundry together, and it's definitely going to be weird not sharing the same bed together."

"Remember not to say-"

"Anything about sharing a bed together and I was in the guest bedroom the whole time," Asher finished for me. "I know, I know," he repeated, reassuring me he'll stick to our plan.

"My parents will have a cow if they found out," I said as I pulled up in the driveway.

I turned off the car and as I was about to get out of the car, Asher grabbed my hand. "I have a question," he said never letting go of my hand.


"Do they know about me and how I feel about you?"

I swallowed hard. They didn't even know how I felt about him.


"Do you want them to know?" He asked. When I said nothing, he continued, "because I meant what I said the other day. I really like you, Y/N, and I'm not gonna hide it." He cupped my cheek and rubbed small circles on my cheek with his thumb.

"Can I be honest?" He nodded. "I don't want them to know." He stayed quiet as he pulled his hand away from my cheek. "I think it's best if they think we're just roommates."

I froze as I realized what I had said.


That word caused a pang to my heart as it brought back all the painful moments he referred me as a roommate. Except, this time it hurt ten times worse because I saw the hurt in Asher's eyes. Unintentionally, I had caused him the same kind of pain he had given me and I hated myself for it. But it was too late to take it back as Asher got out of the car and made his way to the house.

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