Part 10: New Roommate

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That same night

I heard a soft knock on my door. "Darling?"

I brushed away my fallen tears with the back of my hand and slid away from my door. "Come in," I said hoarsely.

My parents walked in and sat on the floor next to me. My mom leaned towards me. I instantly rested my head on her shoulder. She rested her head on top of mine before kissing the top of my head.

My dad wrapped his arm around my shoulder and patted my knee. "Are you okay, honey?"

I shook my head and sniffled. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know Asher had a poker game night until I got home and saw it happening. I immediately got after him-

"Shhhhhh," my mom soothed. "That's not what we meant."

"What do you mean, then?" I asked as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Darling, is your heart okay?" She asked.

I stayed quiet.

"Here's the thing, honey. We had an inkling feeling you have always liked Asher, but-"

"We had no idea you were in love with the boy," mom said.

"I'm not in love with him," I lied. "What makes you think I do?"

"Honey, you told him tonight."

I froze as I replayed the memory in my mind.

"Asher, I love you, but you need to get out."

"What did you say?" He whispered.

"I said get the hell out, Ash!"

I closed my eyes as more tears fell down my cheeks. "I didn't mean to," I mumbled between soft sobs.

"You don't love him?" My mom asked confused.

I shook my head. "I do, but that's not how I meant to do it. I never wanted to tell him in anger and kicking him out on the street." I let out more sobs as my parents both hugged me and tried to soothe me.

"I'm so sorry," I immediately apologize to them. "About everything. About lying not having feelings for him, him sleeping in my bed, about-"

"Darling, it's okay," my mom soothed.

"Well, no it's not," dad immediately said. "you know better than to have him sleeping in your room, but honey, you should never apologize for how you feel. You're entitled to love someone deeply and wholeheartedly."

I had no idea what to say or how to respond to that. I felt like such an asshole for hurting Asher, even though he hurt me and my family first. I wanted to somehow fix everything, but I couldn't. Everything was clouding my judgement and I didn't want to say anything else in the heat of the moment.

"Let's go," my mom patted my knee.

"We're gonna stay in a hotel while the case is still open and until our insurance covers the damages," dad said.

A few days later

I saw Asher walking towards the parking lot with his duffle bag in his hand. I picked up my pace until I caught up with him.

"84 yards and a touchdown tonight, not to shabby," I said. We both stopped in our tracks and faced each other. "I kind of wished Butler hadn't missed that block so you could have made over 100 yards tonight," Asher's lips formed a small smile. "Congrats making it to state."

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