The Truth (Cody x Reader)

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Warnings: Reader has a disability and having a hard time accepting it. Idk if that's a warning, but just in case.

Author's Note: For all of those who have a disability and believe you'll never find love, you're wrong. Be patient. Someone will love you regardless what you might have and will love you wholeheartedly. Always remember that. Xoxo.


Dylan let out a heavy sigh as he placed a glass of water by the nightstand. Y/N felt the bed dip as Dylan sat down. He reached for her and rubbed his hand up and down her back as she quietly sobbed. His heart broke hearing the small sobs. Her body started shaking as the sobs got harder. He removed his shoes and lay down next to her. He turned her around to face him. He quickly brushed the fallen tears away before he engulfed her in a tight hug. She immediately held him tight, burying her face in his chest and soaking his shirt with tears. Dylan whispered sweet nothings, reassuring her everything would be okay. She didn't know, but Dylan already knew what happened. Cody had called him to ask if he knew why Y/N had dumped him. Dylan lied saying he didn't know and rushed home to take care of his best friend.

Y/N grabbed a fist full of his shirt and shook her head, trying to erase everything that happened less than an hour ago.

"You're beautiful," Cody smiled widely in between kisses. Y/N giggled, feeling absolutely adored and worshiped by the sweet man in front of her. Cody cupped her cheeks when she was about to pull away and pulled her in for another deep, passionate kiss. "I love you," he breathed with his eyes closed.

Y/N's breath hitched. Her eyes flew open and studied his features. He had never said that before, neither had she. Before they started dating and we're in their "were talking" phase, they were both still healing from their previous relationships with their exes. They both knew the heartache they each went through and agreed to take things slow. Taking things extremely slow is what made their relationship perfect. She never expected this day to come and truthfully she was hoping it wouldn't happen.


"Don't say anything. You don't need to. I just wanted to tell you how I felt, because," he grabbed her hand and placed it on his chest. "I do love you. My heart is yours."

Tears formed in her eyes as she realized what he had done. When someone gives you his or her heart, the receiver has the power to break it or protect it. Y/N knew Cody thought she would protect his heart, knowing he would do the same with hers. However, she hated this feeling. She never wanted to have this kind of power... especially when he still didn't know who she was. He didn't know why she refused to go to red carpet events with him, go on hikes, or work out with him at the gym. All of those things are a huge part of his life, and he still didn't know why she couldn't be a part of that.

"Cody," she said with a shaky breath as she pulled his hands away from her face. She placed them on his lap as she shook her head. "I can't be with you anymore." She swallowed hard. "I'm sorry." She got her things and walked out on him, leaving him confused and heartbroken.

Y/N's sobs turned into hiccups as the memory faded. She looked up at Dylan. "You're going to be okay," he said as he wiped the fallen tears from her cheeks again.

"You don't even know what happened," she let out a heavy, shaky breath.

"Yeah, I do. He called me."

Y/N let out a small groan. "Sometimes I hate that you two are really good friends."

"I know, but you're my best friend. You come first. I didn't tell him anything, and I came straight home to you as soon as I hung up with him," Dylan explained.

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