love at a blink of an eye

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Ranboo x reader

In this story u have a rare condition called haemolacria(crys blood look it up if u want).anyways lets start the story.oh and before u read also in this story u cover ur eyes in streams so no one has see ur eyes. Kinda like ranboo so ye.

It was a sunday afternoon,ur sat by ur pc playing minecraft while streaming.

"Ok guys thats it for today i hope u have a lovely rest of the day cya"

U turn off ur stream and close minecraft as u take off ur sun glasses.*phone pings* "its a text from someone ive never seen" *u open the text*

Hey y/n i just watched ur stream ur pretty good at minecraft.

Thanks ive been playing alot .

Ur welcome keep it up.

U decide u want to call george since ur both close friends and he has always been there for u.*u call george*

G:"hey y/n whats up
Y/n"hey george i just wanted to know if u wanna come down to my house to hang for a little its been ages since ive seen u i miss u *u do a little frowny face even tho he cant see u*
G:"ok ok ill come down ill be there in 5"
Y/n "ok thanks ill get ready"

U end call and get a quick shower before george comes over and then change into some black ripped jeans and a hoodie.theres a knock at the door as u are putting ur hoddie on so u just shout "who is it" as u walk to the door.

"George"u run up and hug him as he hugs u back "hey y/n its been awhile"
U smile with ur face on his chest hugging him tight "wanna sit down we could watch a movie or play a game *u look at him while walking to the kitchen.

G"umm ye sure we could watch a movie"
Y/n"great do u have any in mind"
U say as ur pouring out popcorn into a bowl*
G"actually i do"
U whisper under u breath but loud enough that george can hear*
"Finally for once u know what movie were gonna watch" *u try and hide ur smile*
G"y/n i heared that,and yes i do for once its kinda a sad film but clay recommended it he said it was called the Titanic or something"
Y/n "omg i love that film"

u say as u sit down on the sofa next to george and hand him the popcorn so u can get the remote and find the film.~btw george knows about ur eyes but only him and family ~.

~Time skip to like the end of the movie.~

Ur crying ur eyes out theres blood streaming down ur face u try wipe them away. As u look at george half asleep with his arm around u and ur head on his chest u get up slowly to try not wake him up and u grab a blanket from the other end of the sofa and put it around him before heading upstairs to get in ur bed to sleep.

G"y/n wake up its morning"he says in a whisper.
G"y/n ur late for ur stream"he said as he shook u lightly as u started to wake up.

Y/n"george oh ye u...*u turn over to see what time it is* "shit im late for streaming"

G"calm down"y/n ur only about 5 minutes late they wont mind"he said smiling at me and then walks out as i try speaking to him "george do u want to steam with me" i asked as he shut my door. George replyed with "nah sorry i have things planned maybe another time ill get my stuff and head home thanks for letting me sleep here"
He leaves my apartment.
As i shout bye from my room.

I change from my clothes as i forgot to change cuz i was too tired to. So i change into a pastel purple crop top and blue jeans and pop my sun glasses on ready to stream at my desk. I start my stream with "hey guys im sorry im abit late i had a friend round and we watched a film and i kinda slept in so im sorry for that anyways lets play some among us today.*u open up among us.


User_26262:omg u look stupid.
User2.8.1.636:haha ur ugly ur just bulit different.
Y/n_thebestfan:ignore them y/n.
User_26262:y do u wear those ugly sun glasses.
Random292922:ur in a house u know not outside.

U feel yourself starting to tear up from all the hate *u think to yourself im i really that ugly as u try carry on with ur stream as the chat still goes on.

"Ok guys looks like im a crewmate again."

The chat goes mad with hate as ur tears start running down ur face u look at urself it the monitor see that u can see ur tears and the chat starts going mad saying stuff like omg u r crying...
Eww what is that... u quickly end the stream without saying anything.

U jump on ur bed wishing u had never steamed ur phone going mad with questions of what was happening and hate.

Georges pov:

I walked out of y/n apartment as i hear her shout bye to me. I drive home and hop on my pc and open up minecraft but then i get a call from discord *i answer it*
G"hello clay"
Dream"hi gogy i wanna talk about what we have planed"
G"ok go on what is it"
Dream"well i was thinking if u wanted to stream"
G"umm ye sure let me hop on a server and u can join me"
Dream starts up a stream as george connects to a server and lets dream join.

~time skip~

G"Dweam i better go"
Dream"ok cya"
G"ok bye"
George hops off of the discord call and minecraft and flops on his bed while he checks his phone and see a stream from y/n and checks it out since it had no title and wasnt as long as normal.

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