the group is back together

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(Hey guys I've noticed some people have missed some chapters so if it doesn't make sense just go back and check but if it does make sense just go back anyways cuz theres a chapter where I refer to it I think anyways thank u all let me know ur liking it and any ideas u have)

Same tw

D"oh ye ok well were always here for u and if u need to tell some one u can trust me"

*sapnap soon comes out the bathroom*

S"ok enough with *he pauses and waves his finger up and down pointing
At u and clay*...that"
*u smile at him he walks over to his stuff and picks out some clothes u slide out of Clay's arms still looking at him he leans down and gives u a peck on ur lips before walking over to his bed to change the covers and to start cleaning u help by passing him the clean bed sheets he then puts them on u both start to clean the rest of the room and put everything that needs to go in the wash in the wash and sapnap already started on the living room u and clay go help him*

~time skip nearly the end of the day u all finish and lay on the sofa well u laid on the sofa clay and sapnap sat up turning on the tv and putting netfilx on~

D"what do u guys wanna watch"
"Um how about...a horror"
"Ye *u look at him* awww r u scared it will be ok mamas here"
*u cant help urself and laugh ur arse off sapnap looking at clay and back at u and laughing clay just watches*
S"good one Kate"
D"no I'm not scared I was surprised u wanted to that's all so which one"
"Umm how about...Annabelle I've not watched it yet"
S"neither let watch it"
D"sure none of us have seen it so y not"
*clay clicks on the film and sits back u put ur legs over him and hug him soon after u get comfy and sapnap looks over from the tv*
S"ok way to make a guy feel single and making me third wheel"
"I'm sorry let me ask...sapnap my beloved would u like to join"
S"o...oh um in fine"
"Ok dont say I didnt ask"
D"come on let's just watch the film"
*u all get comfy and watch the film no more inturptions*

~time skip end of the film~

*u lift ur legs from Clay's lap and get up*
D"where u going"
*he sits up*
"No where just streching"
D"ok well looks like he fell asleep"
*u look over at the sleeping boy and let out a little quiet giggle then look back over at clay he gets up and u turn around he wraps his arms around ur waist leaning over u making him have his face in the crook of ur neck u feel his hot breath against ur neck and close ur eyes suddenly u have a flashback of lee u quickly open ur eyes and slip out on his hands and on the floor trying to catch ur breath*
D"hey..hey I'm sorry I didnt kn...oh god what have I done r u ok kate...kate pls answer me I'm sorry"
*he crouches in front of u and u look up a little at him and dive into his arms and let out whispers into his abs*

"Never leave me pls clay...I dont want to be alone...not with him"
*he thinks to himself it would be best to just ask about it in the morning he scoops u off the floor and enters his now clean room and places u in the bed under the cover then joins u putting the cover on top of u both he plays with ur hair until he falls asleep u shortly after*

~time skip to about 11 at night~

Sapnaps pov:

*he wakes up on the sofa and hears a door shut he looks around and notices its George he get up from the sofa and heads to dreams room since they have been sharing for that few days he finally opens his eyes properly and notices theres two people in the bed and realises its u so walks back out and with his sleepy state including not thinking straight he walks into the other room thinking river wouldn't be back since shes been gone for a couple weeks only to see river and diamond laid in bed making out he quickly and quietly leaves landing back on the sofa going on his phone for alittle until he falls back asleep*

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