last day of the trip

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Tw:unwanted physical contact (I dont know if it classifies as sexual assault I dont know anything really about it but I think it is)

*u stop singing because u finish singing the sing and shut the shower off and reach through the shower curtain and grab ur towel wrap it around urself open the curtain and step out and from surprise u jump*

"What the hell u doing here"
D"idk listening to u"
"While im in the shower"
D"yep...u was singing and I didnt realise u was there until u started singing ur good btw"
"Ok thanks but y r u in here"
D"what my bathroom...also brushing my teeth like i said"
"This isnt it wait...oh God I'm sorry I'm changing now anyways we have places to be get ur swimming shorts on..I'll put a bikini on"
*u give him a kiss on his cheek and walk passed him and walk out his room and into ur room and get ready...dream walks back into his room and get ready wondering what u have planned*

~later once u and dream r ready and leave a note on the island in the kitchen  saying 'we have headed out we will be back just before kate had to leave so she can get her stuff cya later'
After dream wrote the letter u telling him what to write u grabs his keys and get in the car~

-in the car ur driving-

D"so were we going"
"U will see its gorgeous"
*the rest of the way in the car was a comfortable silence of just music u pull into the part that isnt that far from the place ur going just a few minute walk u both get out the car and strip ur clothes off that was on top of ur swimsuits and put them in the car and start walking to the place ur wanting to take dream*

(U have ur swimsuits on btw u just got the clothes from on top of them off)


"how long will it take"
"Its not far now"
*u take his hand and pull him to wherever ur heading and u finally got there*

"Were here"*u pull him and start walking down the stairs*D"how did u know about this""Well then I was little before my real dad died he took me here then he first taught me to swim cuz I hated and still hate people so I was always embarrassed so w...

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"Were here"
*u pull him and start walking down the stairs*
D"how did u know about this"
"Well then I was little before my real dad died he took me here then he first taught me to swim cuz I hated and still hate people so I was always embarrassed so we came here"
D"its beautiful just like u"
"Ok that's enough let's just get in"
*u pull him in and u both swim around for a little messing about splashing and fighting eachother and then sit on the stairs still in the water and just talk*

-At the house-

*george is the last to wake up and come downstairs he looks around while walking down*

G"wheres dream and kate"
N"read what we have all did it's on the kitchen island"
*he goes over to read it*
A"have u read it"
G"they have gone out"
Tub"uhm they r we dont know where"
N"its sad she has to go today and she cant stay the weekend"
Tub"ye it's not fair"
A"ye but atleast we will see her in college monday"
K"true true"
G"ye but it's still sad"

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