is this a bad idea

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Tw:not eating, drinking

...u say on the verge of crying u fall back on George's bed and wipe ur eyes*

G"its gonna be ok"
"But what if it's not before I left the room he said he wanted to talk to me later out of nowhere and didnt give me any context what If he breaks up with me or still believes I cheated on him I mean I.. its not my fault that my so called cousin lee s...sexually h..h..harassed me and what if he found someone better"
*u didnt process what u said u was speaking so fast but the boys didnt want to say anything to u to make u more upset*
S"trust me kate he wont have done the only thing u can do is let him talk and see what happens and if anything bad happens which I'm sure it wont were here for u and I'm sure alex karl tubbo and niki will be as well so dont sweat it"
"Ye ok thanks guys"
G"its fine if u need us for anything u know where we r"
"ok thanks"
*u all walk out George's room and they walk back to the sofa with river and diamond and go back to talking ur just sat on the sofa arm and nervously going through ur phone not doing anything just acting like u r cuz u dont know what to do...but just then u catch some of there conversation*

R"did he do anything fun for his 20th"
S"oh um no hes been going through a kind of rough patch but hes fine I think he was on about moving out at one point and getting a cat bit if not he will still get the cat and keep it secret"

"What is that y he was angry but upset and disappointed because I wasnt here for him on his birthday his 20th...shit"

*ur thoughts mess with ur head for abit until dream comes out in some black jeans and a line green smiley hoodie*

D"u ready to go kate...*he says to u..u turn to sapnap and george with a scared face dream notices river and diamond and walks over to them*...oh hey I missed u both"

*they stand up and hug him kissing him on the cheek then u and dream go after there little conversation and get in ur car u drive to ur house*

~at ur house~

"U can wait down here if u want I'm gonna change and then we can go if that's what u was wanting to do"
D"ye ok"
"Oh um technos upstairs so if he comes down just say ur waiting for me"
D"ok dont be too long"

he sits on the sofa and goes on his phone u run upstairs and into ur room getting ready brushing ur teeth doing ur hair and makeup and putting on a hoodie and Jean's soon after u come back down*

"U ready"
D"oh um ye"
*u both walk out the door and dont take a car ur both just walking*
"So what's it u wanted to talk about"
*u say shy and nervous of what it is kinda scared*
D"wait till we get there"
*u get even more nervous and scared 'what's he gonna do what us he gonna talk about what's happened' suddenly ur broke from ur trance by being grabbed and dragged round a corner by dream*

D"were here"
*u look passed him to see a empty trashed park abandoned if u will u walk towards it but stop at the gate clay realises and stops to look back at u*
"So what is it u wanted to talk about"
*u say looking up then back down u cant look him in the eyes*
D"oh ye about um them hickeys on ur neck there nearly gone... so u never got to tell me who gave u them I dont believe u cheated but if u did I don't know if this can work"
"B..but clay that's not what happened w..well it is but it's not I...I dont know how to say it I'm so sorry"
*u slide down the gate and tears and falling into ur hands u hear footsteps fade u start to cry more and after awhile u get up and go home*

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