the talk

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~time skip to morning~

*u wake up and see Wilburs not in bed so he head downstairs to fine him u walk down and see him in the kitchen making coffee u walk up behind him and hug he waist he turns around to u*

W"hey sleepy head I was just gonna come wake u"
"Well I saved u from walking upstairs with them at least"
W"ye I guess here this ones urs"
*u both sit on the sofa*
"Wheres ranboo hes normally up by now"
W"he just went out somewhere I dont know where he just said he was off out so ye"
"Oh...ok well I was thinking we could go to the shops today we need some stuff and it will be a nice outing"
W"ye ok drink ur coffee I'll wash up and u can go wake up clay"
"Wait ur telling hes still not awake"
"Wow ok here thanks btw ok imma wake this lazy ass up"
W"dont go to hard on him or he might not want to visit anymore or anyone for that fact"
*he laughs out as u walk upstairs to the room clays staying in u open the door and see him calmly sleeping u end up getting caught in a memory and ur just stood at the door....the light from the hall must have got in his eyes and cause him to wake up and sees u stood there u finally back and walk towards him and jump on the bed then start tickling him*
C"ok..ok..I'm AWAKE"
"Oh I found it I found it thanks btw now I know ur tickle spot"
C"no pls dont use it or in that fact just dont tickle me"
*u put out ur arms gesturing ur gonna tickle him again he gets out of bed and runs u run after him u both go downstairs u pin him down on the sofa and tickle him*

C"ok...ok I give in"
"Ok fine but after this....
*u go to tickle him one last time until ur stopped by wilbur holding ur hoodie hood so u couldnt*
W"thats it now lily hes awake"
*while will was holding ur hood ur hoodie started to raise showing the bottom of the bruises...u tried to pull it down*
"Ok can u let go I wont tickle him anymore"
W"whats up lily come on it's funny to see u try get me off ur hood"
"No seriously will pls"
C"hold on what r these lily"
*u turn red..."will PLS let go" (clay and wilbur know u have bruises on ur back just dont know how big and dont know u have them at the front so clays plan Is to bring it up by saying that*
W"wait there on ur back aswell"
*u start to tear up u slide out the bottom of the hood having a t-shirt underneath and run out the door u bump into ranboo when u walk out making him drop the stuff out his hands so he holds u R"r u ok lily what have they done"
U carry on running as will and clay run to the door*
R"we have a lot to talk about when I get back *ranboo picks up the stuff and hands it to them and then runs after u*
*ur crying u stop running and fall to the floor on this big hill*
R"whats wrong lily"
*he sits next to u*
R"u can tell me if u want u dont have to I'm not going to force u"
"Its...its my hoodie"
R"what about it"
"I ha..had it on I had to take it off cu..cuz he wouldn't let go when I...I told him to"
R"whos him clay or wilbur"
R"can u tell me what they were doing"
"Well before that happend I woke clay up and chased him downstairs tickling him until will said leave it now his awake then held my hood so I couldn't tickle him my hoodie started to raise and I told him to stop but u wouldn't it was like he couldn't hear me so I slide out of it and ran"
R"if u dont mind me asking y did u run and y were u crying u dont have to tell me but I would like to know"
"Can..can I trust u"
R"of course"
"Ok but if u tell anyone without me saying it's ok I'm gonna kill u"
R"ok I swear I wont"
*u lift up ur top up to the top of ur bruises u then turn around so he can see ur back aswell*
R"were r these from l..lily"
*he has tears in his eyes u let go of ur top making it drop again*

"I'm sorry ranboo"
*u hug him*
R"when did this happen"
*u look at the floor*
"It was the day we went to the park, when..when I went to get the drinks"
R"who did this"
"It was jake"
R"ok he was ur ex right"
*u start to cry and nod yes he hugs u and hands u his hoodie*
R"i think we should end it there for today if u every want to talk about anything at all u know were my room is and if I'm not in there just drag me up there and we will talk but for now let's just relax here for a little before we go home ok"
"Ok also thank u"
*u wipe ur tears away then put on ranboos hoodie and give a smile at ranboo he does the same back to u, u both stare into the beautiful view*
R"one question how did u find this hill cuz it's pretty closed off"
"Oh well I used to come here alot then i was little... james showed it to me since he lived nearby here so if I have need to escape I come here and just imaged his here with me but sometimes it really does feel like he is here"
*ranboo smiles at u as u pick at the floor....u both stay there for a while before heading back*

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