where r the words

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*niki opens the door slightly to see techno stood on the other side*

T"come on niki let me in"
N"hold on I dont want kate running off just pls slow down"
*they say whispering niki slowly opens the door and techno walks in then sees tubbo and u cuddling u reassuring tubbo that it's ok...techno walks to the sofa u release from the hug niki grabs the remote and pauses the film*

T"hey katelynn u ok"
*u dont answer but u into jump his arms and give him a hug*
"I'm sorry techno I know u and dad was just trying to help I didnt want to make u both feel bad"
*u slid back down onto the floor and see everyone shocked and stood silently u look at them confused*
"What...I only gave him a hug... tubbo tell me what's happening... anyone pls"
T"katelynn u...u called p..phil ....d..dad"
"What no i didnt"
N"its true u did"
"I cant of done I...it would be disrespectful I couldnt have"
*u started to panic*
N"o..oh umm I.. its f..fine kate u..ur dad would be h..happy ...that u .h...have a g..great family"
"W..would he real..really"
Tub"y..yes he would Kate"
"R..u su..sure"
*u say looking up from ur head being in ur knees techno pick u up and hugs u*
T"of course he would kate...

*that was the first time of techno calling u that but u really didnt mind u was close to him after all he is ur brother*

...it's ok to have another family u love just the same he will be happy for u"
*everyone joins the hug*

~time skip later on and ur back home~

*u apologise to phil multiply times before heading to ur room to sleep techno staying downstairs with his dad telling him about what happened by the end Phil was in tears soon after everyone was asleep*

~time skip to Thursday~

*today was just a chill day u invited tubbo and niki to ur house with Phil's approval*

:hey I'll come get u
Guys now ok?.

Ye thats fine
We are both ready.

No changes to the plan

:no we are walking half way
To meet with u both
And then we are walking to mine
Since u dont know where it is:).

Sounds good.

Yep ok well we will
Set off now kate.

:ye ok I'll be ready
I just have a few things
To do but it's fine u both
Set off it doesnt take me long
Cuz I walk so fast oop.

Ye ok see ya soon.

Cya in a few kate.

*u put ur phone back on the side on charge while u finish doing whatever those few thing were after u have finished u got ur bag and headed out the door...because of the way u walked u got there faster than u expected to say u was medium height and had normal length legs.... u sat on the wall and texted niki*

:hey I'm here I am sat on the wall
Where abouts are u both.

*after a few seconds she texts back*

Niki: ye ok well were
Close just gotta walk further down.

:ok cya soon.

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