is this a friend

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Dreams pov:

*dream walks away from watching u and heads to his dorm he slams the door closed behind him walking into his room flopping on his bed face down*

*theres a knock at his door and then a click of the door handle opening echoes through the room*

Di"h..hey dream"
*she says in a soft voice*
Di"u..u ok"
*she says shutting the door behind her and walking over to the bed sitting on the edge of the bed next to dream*
Di"u..u can speak to me rivers not here"
D"w..what do u do diamond"
*he said with his muffled voice in the covers*
Di"what do u mean"
D"when u like a girl but u cant even go near her"
*voice still muffled*
Di"ohh...ok so who's the girl"
D"someone in some of my lessons pls take it seriously I need to know"
Di"ok..ok I'm sorry so what's the situation..y cant u go near her"
D"her brother and dad"
Di" what's her brother like"
D"he isnt in college but has one of his mates look out for her"
Di"ok well if he isnt there than get her when shes alone"
D"its going to be hard tho cuz shes a every shy person"
Di"ok..well I'm sure she'll get use to people soon how about the dad what's he like"
D"protect as most, every serious and just ye I guess"
Di"ok well yes there going to be protective but y are they so...I mean like really protective did something happen"
D"promise u wont make it into a joke"
Di"cross my heart hope to die"
*dream sits up facing diamond*
D"the guys u met well they tried to pull a prank on me the day of the party and the prank was to basically put harmless little pill in my drink and then they would care for me the rest of the night but they left george in charge of putting the pill in the drinks and since his colour blind he ended up putting it in the wrong cup what being the girls cup"
Di"oh wow I wasnt expecting that ok well if u tell me what this girl u like looks like I'll talk to her and this bodyguard friend of her brother"
D"ok thanks wheres river"
Di"oh she went out but I couldnt be bothered so I stayed here"
D"oh ok cool well the girl is called katelynn..."
Di"all right then what dorm she in"
D"how am I meant to know"
Di"well I always knew where my crushes lived"
D"thats a bit creepy dont u think"
Di"yee I guess"
D"ok well let's get on with it...she is medium height,cute,really nice soft looking hair,and just all together a nice and shy person"
Di"ok right so it starts tomorrow we find out her dorm in some way"
D"ye ok"

~time skip the next day I think it would be Tuesday idk I cant remember~

*diamond is walking around with dream and the group including river they all stop in the group and talk dream secretly gets diamonds attention and points at u with jack the group ends up talking quite loud so dream and diamond just speak normally together*

Di"is that her"
Di"whos that next to her"
D"thats the guy that her brother got looking after her"
Di"ok what's his name like"
Di"ok once we all split up I have a plan for today I'll keep u updated ok well we have to go see u later...come on river"
D"ye ok cya"
All"cya river bye diamond"

*they walk away and dream watches and sees diamond bump into u, u turn around and nervously help her up*

"I...I'm so..s...sorry"
Di"oh it's fine I'm sorry I wasnt watching where I was going"
" I.. I'm s..sorry bag was I.. in ur w..way...oh lord I'm so sorry"
R"hey come on diamond"
"I'm sorry"
Di"its fine dont sweat it"

*she walks off and dream turns away walking away with his group he get a notificationon his open he opens it to see a text from diamond*

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