"date part 2"

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*u head upstairs and go into ur mums room*(btw shes in there now)

"So mum did u get the stuff"
Mum"um yes here also there were no ice cream so I just bought sweets and chocolate here I'll leave the others stuff in here for now"
"Ok thanks so much mum night"
*u grab the stuff and shut her door than go to ur room and throw all the stuff on ur bed then grab the (tampons or pads ur choice) and take than to the bathroom and change u head back to ur bed and get out ur laptop and dairy*

*u open the snacks after that u open the dairy on a new page and start to write about ur day*.

*u then close the book and open ur laptop doing whatever until u get a message but who is it....*



:hey ?
???:ur Tommy's sister right.
:um yes??
???:oh good I just wanted to ask if u and wilbur want to get a drink one time.
:um ye sure that would be nice karl.
K:wait how do u know it's me
:ik how u text I've watch u text wilbur after all.
K:well that explains most of it.
:haha well ye we would love to when?
K:um maybe in a couple of weeks idk how long tho.
:oh ok then well text me.
K:ok well see ya.

*u x off the tab and decide to go through some of ur old work from school and improve it cuz u was bored*(ur not in school anymore it's old work for when u was in school) ur stomach gets worse with ur cramp and u stand up to get ur heating pad then sit back in bed with it over ur self after awhile u lay down and fall asleep*

~time skip morning~

*will is the first one up and decides to go upstairs and sit in ur room he sees all the stuff on ur bed and chooses to take everything of ur bed so nothing falls he comes across ur diary and begins to read what u last wrote it's about him...*

*u start to wake up he puts ur dairy away and walks up to u and waits watching over u until u turn and face him ur lips almost touching he looks at u and then back to ur lips he puts u closer and kisses u, u pull away*

W"oh I'm sorry I just.."
*he was cut off by u closing the gap again and sitting up he ends up slipping his tongue in ur mouth not leaving any of ur mouth untouched u both pull away still attached by saliva u both looking into eachothers eyes not realising tommy was stood at the door...

Wilbur and u whisper"shit"
*u quickly wipe the saliva off*
*tommy didnt see anything luckily*
"What is it tommy"
T"oh mum just wanted to know if u both wanted breakfast"
"Oh no were fine *u look at wilby and he also nods his head no*

*tommy leaves*

"Hey um wilby want to finish that song then"
W"uh ye sure"
*u both stand up and get ur stuff and get everything ready*
"Ok u ready on the count of three"
*u both start playing and then add the lyrics*
(The song u write is "maybe I was boring")
*it gets to the end of the song*
"Wow that was good"
W"ye it really was"
*u both smile at eachother u both put away ur things*

~time skip a few minutes later~

"Hey wilby wanna go on a walk I'm really bored just on my phone"
W"ye sure y not we wont take anything just us on a walk no phones or electronics"
"Ye sounds good let me get ready then"
W"ye same um I'll go in the bathroom tell me when ur done in here"
*he grabs his stuff and walks into the bathroom*
(Btw he has one outfit he brought over awhile ago let's say so that's what he changes into)
*u change and grab ur purse and put a few things in there u leave ur phone on charge and leave everything else where it is*
"Hey...I'm done"
W"ok well I'm coming out then"
*ur stood at ur bedroom door*
"Ok u coming"
W"oh ye let's go"
*u both walk downstairs and pass tommy and ur mum on the way to the door*
M"hey where u love birds going"
*u realise what she said*
T"ew mum"
"Mum what the hell anyways were of out and dont try call us cuz were taking a break from our electronics"
M"ok ok will do"
"Ok well bye"
*u hug ur mum and kiss Tommy's forehead*
"See u later tommy *u turn to will*
Come on let's go"
*u both leave and go on a walk*

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