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(So in this story ur doing long distance with alex/quackity and he stream and does youtube and u can sing but thats not ur job u work at a cafe cuz i dont like singing in front of people)

*ur on call with alex just like u do everynight*

"So what r u doing"
A"just some work"
"Oh i can go if ur busy"
A"no its fine i work better when i talking to u its boring otherwise"
"Oh ok well what u working on"
A"oh just editing a youtube video"
"Oh cool whats it about"
A"well its just me and karl messing around and talking"
"Well thats abit boring"
A"not if u saw the stuff we do"
"So tell me"
A"well we both fell off our chairs and people say they like us then we do talking videos so we give it to them"
"Well if thats what they like anyways i cant stay on call as late as we normaly do"
A"why" *he frowns as u frown back at him*
"Im sorry baby i have to wake up early and i work late tomorrow ill still call u though"
A"ok fine ive finish editing now" *he flops on his bed and u do the same and stand ur phone up ur bed side so u can get comfy*
"Good now we can talk"
A"ye so whats ur new job anyways"
"Oh ye i forgot to tell u i work at a cafe now"
A"oh cool sound nice"
*u both go on for hours and u start to get tired and end up falling asleep on call alex stays on call watching u (not in a creepy way) and then ends the phone to let u sleep*

~time skip to morning~

*u wake up u speak to yourself*
"What time is it"
*u say rubbing ur eyes and grabing ur phone to check the time and to put it on charge since u didnt last night*
"Wow i need to get ready i must have fallen asleep on call since my phone wasnt on charge and standing up facing me"

*u crawl out of bed and get a quick shower then get changed into this since u didnt have uniform yet cuz its ur first day*

*u crawl out of bed and get a quick shower then get changed into this since u didnt have uniform yet cuz its ur first day*

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*u get in ur car and leave but not before feeding ur kittens the black and white one being oliver and the other tiger*

*u get in ur car and leave but not before feeding ur kittens the black and white one being oliver and the other tiger*

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