at the pub

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~Time skip ur pulling up into ur mums drive~

*ur helping tommy with his stuff to bring them in u walk to the door and unlock it then walk in*

"Go on tommy take them up to ur room"
*tommy goes up and takes his stuff u walk into the living room and see ur mum asleep u pull a blanket over her and go upstairs up to ur room and grab some stuff u need (so basically just ur make up cuz u went shopping and got some clothes already)
*u walk into Tommy's room after getting some make up in a bag ur taking*
"Hey tommy be quite it's pretty late and mums asleep"
T"ok fine then u coming back"
"It should be Tuesday or Wednesday"
(btw its Saturday in this)
T"ok fine"
"Ok well love u tom" *u kiss his forehead and ruffle his hair*
*he hugs u*
T"ye cya don't forgot contact me every day when u wake up and before u go to bed so ik ur ok pls"
"Yes I will do dont worry kiddo bye get some sleep and a shower" *u laugh and shut his door behide u and walk downstairs and look at ur mum and smile then walk out the door locking it behind u.....
U climb back in ur car and throw ur bag in the passenger seat and set back off*

~at the house while ur out~

*karl and ranboo already awake soon after Wilbur wakes up and walks downstairs to see them sat on the sofa well will was awake and has been for awhile just stayed in his room on his phone*

K"oh hey will u finally awake huh"
*will rubs his eyes and sits down*
W"oh shut up I wasnt even sleeping"
R"whatever anyways how long does it take for lily to come back up here cuz its kinda late"
W"she should be back soon oh guys talking about lily what do u think we should do about her yknow the stuff about her ex and the way she flinched"
K"i dont really know what can u do all I can think of is make sure shes comfortable and make sure she knows shes safe now we dont even know if Tommy's telling the true even though she does flinch"
R"ye Karl's right"
W"but how should I bri....."

*u walk in and take off ur shoes*

"Hey guys it's cold out there" *u smile and let out a chuckle*
R"hey lily sorry we were just speaking about....the pub"
"Oh ye ok well what u thinking"
K"to have it Monday"
"Ye sounds good anyways I'll be back down in a second I'm just gonna change I'm cold" *u run upstairs and go into Wilburs room then lock the door while u change and grab a oversized t-shirt and some joggers*

*ur changing and hear the door handle go u hurry up and shout*

*u quickly get changed and open the door*
"Hey babe what's up... oh sorry about the bags and the clothes I'll move them to the spare room and I trust karl that he wont try them on"
*u laugh and look up will trying not to laugh*
W"ye that's ok"
*u hug him ur both just stood hugging outside the bedroom u look up at him again*
"What was up with u earlier"
W"what do u mean"
"Well when I came in u wasnt talking to me ranboo and karl was doing all the talking u know u can tell me anything dont u"
W"ye I'm fine I was just thinking and I know I can speak to u when I need to"
"Ok good let's go down see what there up to"
*u both smile at eachother and then u slip out of his arms and head to the stairs and yell*
w"ok THATS IT"
*u quickly jump on the sofa hiding behind ranboo he laughs along with karl*
"Told u I would beat u what u gonna do now ranboo is my shield"
W"ill still get u"
*u get a flashback from where ur ex said that and ends up doing the same action will does next but ur ex's move wasnt the playful way*

*u flinch and hold ranboo tight when u realised u have snapped back and see them looking at u, u try come up with something so they wouldn't know*

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