the day we visited an angel

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...shes at a funeral"
R"what wait whos"
T"it was her childhood friend she was really close to him they used to go out everyday and climb the trees in the forest and everything well that's what she told me he was a really nice guy I met him once or twice then I was little"
K"if u dont mind me asking what was his name"
K"oh...well do u know anywhere we could wait for her"
T"i mean my rooms pretty small when everyones in here so u can stay in lilys room just dont go through her stuff or she'll kill me and all of u"
R"ok well were not doing that then"
T"here I'll take u all I mean wilbur knows but anyways it's just here"
*karl ranboo and Wilbur go in ur room Tommy goes and does his own thing*

*ranboo walks around the room*
R"wow shes good with decor I love it"
K"wow and u stayed in this room wilbur with her"
W"ye but it was nothing like that we were writing a song together"
R"oh ye let's hear it"
W"well idk I cant she sings in it and also  I dont want to break her stuff"
*will sits on ur bed and so does karl ranboo sits on ur desk chair a little later ur mum comes in the room with some snacks and places them on the desk*
Mum"hey lads just thought u might be hungry theres some stuff there for u all"
W"ok thank u"
K+r"ye thank u"
*she goes out the room leaving the snacks there*
R"thats nice of her"
W"ye she is shes one of the best"
K"aw guess it is meant to be u even like her mum"
W"oh shut up shes nice that else do u want me to say"
K"so that time when u called her when she answered the second time u never told us what she said"
W"oh she said if were gonna be in a relationship I need to trust her more"
R"but what does she mean by that"
W"its cuz i said it's nothing and i havent told her about the stuff we know about so i make the excuse of that and then she yelled at me its cuz shes sick of me lying to her and she said i need to trust her to keep things i tell her"
K"oh so y dont u trust her after all it's about her so y dont u try bring it up it might be hard and make her upset but that's y ur there to help her through it"
R"wow karl that's the smartest thing u have said to wilbur"
*he laughs*
R"so r u gonna will"
W"ill try just maybe not now u know cuz one of he close friends have passed so I dont want it to be to hard on her that she cant handle it"
K"ye just give her some time now but u should bring it up she might trust u more with things she doesnt want anyone to know"
W"ye ok"

~time skip later like late afternoon~

*ur on the way back home u pull in the drive and dont see the other car u open the door and see ur mum on the sofa ur stood there u look at her with tears in ur eyes she looks back at u, u fall to the floor and ur mum comes to u sits on the floor with u as she hugs u burst out crying they hear u from upstairs tommy comes downstairs...

Mum"shes ok tommy shes just not in the right state in mind shes got alot on her plate"
T"ye ik"

*tommy joins u on the floor hugging u ur mum gets up to get u a cloth to wipe ur eyes....

.... the boys hear and wilbur gets up and sees u downstairs and heads down the other boys stay out of it so it's not to crowded wilbur gets down in front of u,u look up...tommy let's u go and u hug wilbur and cry onto hes chest he trys to comfort u*

W"shh shh it's ok lily it's ok let it all out"

*the boys watch from a far*

*a while after u stop and wilbur and u head upstairs u not knowing karl and ranboo r in there*

"Oh hey" *u sniffle they come up to u and hug u ur just stood there shocked*
R"its gonna be ok lily were here for u"
K"we all r whenever u need"
"Thank u guys but I'm fine"
R"r u tho"
"Ye I'm sure of it"
K"ok if ur sure"
"Ye I am"

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