well i guess its a "date?"

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~time skip to like a month later~

*its day u and Wilbur have been getting close ever since u were on call with him that one time*

*on call laying on ur bed just listening to him and his soft voice u smile not even listening anymore just admiring him*

W"hey..hey lily"
*u fade back*
"Uhm ye"
W"u ok lily"
"Ye ye fine just thinking"
W"thinking about what"
"Oh um....to meet someday like tomorrow"
W"oh um this is unexpected well my place isnt tidy but after we meet up we could...."
*u cut him off*
"How about mine well will stay in my room tommy and my mum should be out so they cant annoy us"
W"oh um sure so where do u want to meet"
"Oh um I can pick u up from the beach u and tommy went to"
W"oh great well sounds like fun"
*tommy bursts in*
T"whats fun I heard someone say fu.."
T"what the f*ck Is happening here u have been on call to him like everyday"
"Oh shut up tommy and what have I said about coming in my room what If I was changing or something"
T"well I knew u wasnt cuz I heard wilbur"
"Well what if u thought u heard wilbur but he wasnt here and walked in on me huh?
T"good point I guess well I'll leave u  should get a lock"
"U THINK"*u shout*
"Sorry wilbur"
W"no no it's fine it's a good show tommy will never win a fight against u"
*u laugh he laughs along*

~time skip its night ur still on call to wilbur ur phone is stood up on ur bedside table facing u~

*ur still awake as u watch wilbur sleep(not in and creepy way)
*U whisper to urself*
"Hes so cute just look at him" u grab ur dairy from ur top shelf and write about him about how cute and handsom he his and whether u started to  get feelings for the tall man u, it's about 3 in the morning so u decide it's time u should go bed u whisper"goodnight wilbur" and close ur eyes*

~its about 7 now wilbur wakes to see u still sleeping on the call~

Wilburs pov:

*I wake up and see lily still on call sleeping I end the phone so I can get ready for the meet up and then send and good morning text then hop in the shower and change into this

*I wake up and see lily still on call sleeping I end the phone so I can get ready for the meet up and then send and good morning text then hop in the shower and change into this

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And then sit down eating my breakfast and go on my sofa waiting for lily to text so ik when yo set off*

Ur pov:

*u wake up u look over at ur bedside table to see ur phone still sat against ur lamp facing u, u realise that the call ended then look at the time*

"Shoot I need to be ready by 10 and its 8:40 now"
*u jump out of bed digging through all of ur clothes in ur wardrobe u finally find the outfit

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