is this a daydream

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Ur pov:

D"whats a matter"
"J..just I.. i"
D"dont u like it"
*he pulls u closer and u pull back and let go so u tread water to keep up since u both r pretty far out from the beach*
D"whats wrong..."
"I don't think we should"
D"but u..I thought"
"I'm sorry but I got to go"
*u smile awkwardly and swim back over to the rest of the group and sit on the rock*

~time skip back to the air b&b~

*u walk out ur room after getting a shower and getting into ur pjs that being some grey joggers and a oversized pjs t-shirt and decide to knock on Clay's door soon after the door opens only to see a tall dirty blonde with a 6 pack and a towel around the waist with water running down all his body*

D"hello...katelynn what did u want"
*hes voice fades in*
"Oh..I.. I I'm sorry umm...I'll wait"
D"no it's fine go ahead"
"O..ok well about the beach thing and theirs some stuff I want to talk about"
D"ok so y dont u come in"
"Umm b..but arent u changing"
D"just come in I havent got time for all this"
*he says putting his hand on ur back and pushing u in the room*

D"sit on the bed while ur waiting"
"Um ye sure"
*u sit on his bed while he picks out his clothes*
D"one second"
*he says as he walks to the bathroom joined on to bedroom to change and comes out less than an minute also in some grey joggers and a green shirt and sits on the bed next to u*

D"so what is it u wanted to talk about"
" well the day when u were with...well with ur and I said how I really felt"
D"let me stop u there she is not my girlfriend..."
"Shes not"
*u say confused*
D"no everytime u asked a question she butted in before I could get a word in"
D"anyways carry on"
"Ok well ye um so I said how I really felt and um I dont know if u feel the same or ur just kidding me on to get a reaction but if u r pls just tell me I'd rather know"
D"are u kidding katelynn ur beautiful how could I guy not like u and i do like u i just didnt know if u meant it and if u wanted space i didnt mean for it to end like that today i got carried away"
"Hey it's fine dont let it take over u clay its fine"
D"r u sure u feel the same way"
"Yes clay I do but only if u want to"
D"yes I do katelynn but we dont have to rush"
"Ye ok"
*he leans in to kiss u and u kiss him back he wraps his hands around ur waist and u wrap urs around his neck*

George's pov:

*he walks upstairs from helping niki and sapnap cook dinner downstairs and knocks on everyone else's door telling them it's done coming to ur door right at the answer...again no instead walks over to Clay's room once he reaches the door he begins to talk*

G"hey um clay dinners done can u check on...."
*he says opening his eyes and looking up to see u and clay*
*he says in the same tone just dragging out the n u and clay realise u turn around and try get George's attention*

"W...Wait george pls"
*george runs downstairs u both assume hes telling the others u turn back to clay and put ur head in his chest he rubs ur back*

D"hey it's ok let's just go down I'm sure george wont have said anything"
"Ye ok I guess"
*u both walk downstairs to only realise george couldnt have told anyone cuz no one was looking at u both everyone sat down and ate dinner and drank even more u basically drunk*

~time skip to night~

*everyone is asleep but u cant get to sleep for whatever reason well u know what reason but u really dont want it to be that u sit up trying the shake the image of the dirty tall blonde out ur head but it doesnt work so u go on ur phone but only to end up clicking on facebook and seeing him u give up and throw ur phone down on the bed and get up only to see ur dads hoodie hung up on the wardrobe handle u walk up to it and pick it up bringing it to ur chest and face in it u sit back on ur bed and start to cry*

D"hey katelynn r u ok"
*u turn to him only for him to sit down on the corner of the bed*
" long have u been there"
D"not long dont worry so what's up"
"Oh it's just..."
*u look at the hoodie and hug it*
D"was it an exs"
"No not at all something more important but I dont really wanna talk about it but thanks clay"
D"no problem"
*u smile at him he does the same and u hug him then lay down still hugging... u face the opposite way and he spoons u and u hug his arms and the hoodie and fall asleep not long after*

~time skip morning~

*u awake up still hugging ur hoodie until u feel someone u turn around to see clay he wakes up from u turning*

*he said in his sleepy voice*
"D...did we"
*u say pointing at urself and him with a confused and scared look soon after he caught up*
D"oh no no dont worry we didnt even get close"
*u sigh out of relief and lay back down and lay on his chest clay jumps and stops not knowing what to do then slowly places his hand on ur arm using his thumb to draw circles on u*

~time skip later on now afternoon~

D"hey wake up...wake up its afternoon"
*u wake up and rub ur eyes while sitting up*
"Oh sorry u should have just got up"
D"oh no it's fine just I think it would be best getting up now since its afternoon and it would be weird if we both are still upstairs but ye I didnt want to wake u up u looked peaceful so I just went on my phone its ok"
"Oh...ok well we should go down then"

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