whats this video

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Tw:horrible name calling
(Like I said before ik none of the people in this story would do anything horrible and mean like this)

*time skip u get home ivorie goes home and sapnap came home with u both after awhile talking and watching a movie downstairs u head to ur room and the boys stay downstairs*

Karl x

Hey karl sappy
Told me u wanted to a video so
I just wanted to check and see
What 24hour challenge
Is it and who knows I might be up
For it ;)

Karl x:
Oh Hey Kate ye it's a drinking
24hour challenge I thought it
Might be could so u could meet
The mr beast team and ik u drink so
U up for it it's fine if not.

Um well idk cuz I know I
Drink but I'm bad for it and
I just might get out of hand I
Dont want to hurt anyone
Ik when i get drunk it's fine cuz
Clay's there and he keeps me
Under control and makes sure I
Dont hurt anyone verbal and physical.

Karl x:
Oh ok well he can come if he
Wants we dont have to get him
In the video I think sapnap is
Coming aswell u will have to check
Hes at urs right?...anyways ye just
See if clay wants to come and give me
Ur answer it will be tomorrow so
Just text me once u have asked them ;)

Ye ok and also I'll
Ask sappy he is here
I'll text u in a second karl.

*u place ur phone on ur bed and head downstairs the boys just on their phones u walk up to the sofa and lean over the back the boys rest there heads back looking at u*

S"hey kate what's up"
"Oh it's just about tomorrow the 24hour challenge"
D"oh ye the one karl said he wants u to film with them"
"Ye...well i found out it's a 24hour drinking challenge..."
*u get cut off by dream*
D"but u ain't the best when drinking"
S"let her finish"
"Thank u sappy...well karl asked me to ask u sappy if ur coming and I told him about me when drunk and how u help me *u said looking over at clay* and he said u can come if I want u dont have to get in frame just to be there for me and cuz ik ur gonna get mad cuz I'm making u come out and u just have to watch I'll let u drink just dont go mad"
S"oh ok well tell him on coming"

D"um sure then"
"Ok great I'll go text him but u guys dont be up all night tonight u will need this sleep I'm off to bed as soon as possible"
*u jump over the back of the sofa and end up sitting on sapnaps lap but u dont notice because u too busy kissing clay on the cheek and saying... "goodnight "
...u then sit back and realise u play it cool as if u meant to cuz u hated getting embarrassed u hugged sapnap and said...
"Night sappy"
...u stood up jumped over the sofa again and ran to it room shutting the door then flopping on the bed grabbing ur phone and opening it up to karl*

Karl x

Ye ok and also I'll
Ask sappy he is here
I'll text u in a second karl.

Karl x:
Ye ok.

*u see he text back 'it must have been from then u went down' u thought to urself*

Hey I'm back they both said yes
Eee cant wait well I'm gonna go
To bed I'll see u in the morning then
I guess ;)

Karl x:
Yay ok well I'll let u sleep
See u in the morning cant
Wait night kate.

Night karl ;) xx.

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