the baby boy

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W"go on go sit back down I'll do these"
*u start walking over to the sofa but then ur water breaks*

*ranboo looks over the sofa and so does clay hearing something splash and wilbur doesn't hear because of the pans hitting eachother while hes putting them away*

"Umm guys"
R"whats up"
C"will somethings up"
"My water just broke"
R"quickly get her to lay down"
*they all run to u clay calls the ambulance Wilbur and ranboo get u a pillow and blankets also towels*
"Guys I can feel him"
C"there on their way lily dont worry"
W"just breath"
"Dont tell me to breath it wont help I'm giving birth"
*the ambulance arrives and comes in*
D"ok we need u to breath and just push"
D"ok now stop and breath"
*u grab ranboo and wills hands u deep breath*

D"ok and now push again"
*u push while in pain*

~time skip after awhile of pushing and breathing u finally have the last push and ur baby boy is born~

*u catch ur breath and let go of their hands then they cut the cord and tie it off and give u the baby then u smile the doctor leaves and u sit up*

"What should we name him"
W"how about noah"
"Ye Noah I like it"
C"thats a good name"
R"ye I agree"

~time skip a few years Noah's now 5~
(Also clay moved out and now has an apartment also Tommy and tubbo live together)

n"yes mum"
"Come on were off to see uncle tommy"
*Noah comes down*
N"is dad coming"
"No honey hes working"
N"ok but can daddy spend time with us later"
"We will see now come on get in the car"

~time skip ur at Tommy's and tubbos~

*ur locking the car and Noah runs up to the door and knocks tubbo answers u walk to the door*

"Hiya nice to see u again tubbs"
Tub"ye I've missed u"
"Ye  I have to agree with u there"
*u pick up noah and tubbo let's u in than let noah down he starts running around then u and tubbo sit on the sofa*
"So wheres tommy"
Tub"hes upstairs in the bathroom"
"Noah sit down ur going to break something"
*he doesnt listen to u...tommy comes down*
"Hi tommy"
*u stand up and give him a hug Noah runs to tommy*
N"uncle tommy"
*he says running up to him and hugging hes legs*
T"hiya kiddo"
*u both sit down and noah climbs on ur lap*
"Noah if ur sitting up here u got to sit still otherwise uncle tommy and tubbo wont be happy and u wont be able to stay here next week"
T"so hows he doing home school wise"
"Hes doing good but we r thinking we might send him to public school"
Tub"how come"
"Well his dad doesnt really give him much attention yknow with him missing loads of streams because of the wedding and everything really"
Tub"well have u told him about it"
"Serial times"
T"hasnt he listened"
"No so ranboos kinda of helped out with him"
T"doesnt he take breaks"
"Ye he does just I wish he'd pay more attention to our child it's like I'm a single mum"
Tub"ill have a word with him"
"Ye ok thanks well next week then u have noah I'll speak to him cuz I dont want noah u know thinking his parents dont love eachother and so he goes through alot i dont want that for him cuz i do love will"
T"well we will sort it dont worry lily"
"Ye ok...noah do u want to spend sometime with tommy and tubbo before we go"
*noah runs to tubbo u pull tommy aside*

T"whats up"
"I dont know what to do anymore"
*u start tearing up*
T"what with will"
"Ye I just dont know what to tell noah"
T"what do u mean"
"He keeps asking me then we go out if dads coming with us or when we do something...and I say we will see but I cant just keep saying that"
T"do u want me to have him tonight so u can speak to him"
"Can u still have him next week"
T"ye of course sis anything for u"
*u hug him then thank him and walk back to noah u sit down on the floor infront of him*

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