whats now

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Tw:not eating...(forgot what it's called sorry)

*once ur there phil and techno r on the sofa they notice u come in and look to see ur crying...

U run passed them upstairs and lock urself in ur room crying...theres a knock at ur door*

P"hey katelynn its techno and phil pls tell us what's wrong so we can help"

*theres a pause*

"Just leave me pls I dont want to talk"

*they walk back down ur sat still crying u look in ur body mirror and look at urself*

Ur thoughts:
'Y is she so pretty,god did I really say all those things out loud, u cant  be pretty like her I wish I was her'

*ur thoughts take u in and again theres a knock at the door which fades u back to reality*

T"hey katelynn let me in I've got u some food....u need to eat"
"I'm fine I'm not hungry"
T"if u say so but I'm leaving it on the kitchen side"

~the night passes and it's now Sunday and the only time u have come out ur room is when u go out with tubbo and niki not being forced but is in a way~

N"come on kate I will be fun"
*she says hoping off the bench pointing at the ferris wheel*
"Ye one second"
*ur not feeling well due to not eating all week*
Tub"hey kate u ok"
"Ye fine let's just go on the ride"
*u walk over to the line it took less time then u thought now u guys were on the ferris wheel going around stopping at the first way around from people getting on*

N"r u sure ur alright kate u look pale"
"Ye fine"
N"let me see ur stomach now...lift ur hoodie"
"Niki I know u care but I'm fine trust me"
*u hug her and without u noticing she lifts the back of ur hoodie and sees how much weight u have lost*

N"katelynn y"
Tub"is that cuz of clay or well that stupid girl"
*ur silent then lift ur head up*
"I just wasnt in the mood I've just been sat in my room the pass week unless I come out with u both because I didnt want to worry u both"
N"u can tell us anything kate we would have been straight over..."
Tub"were getting u some food"

*once u get off the ride niki and tubbo drag u to the food court and pick out some bits for u after they finish we go back to there dorm and they help u try and eat something... u eat a small amount*

N"yay and we will improve it until u can eat again like normal"
*u smile and then it fades away*
Tub"whats up kate"
"But what if he still doesnt like me...I'll never be pretty enough she is just so much pretty than me"
N"trust me thats Is not true ur so pretty and beautiful and I'm sure u will get clay if that's who u love just rn hes too dumb to notice the girl he needs right in front of him"
"Ye if u say so"

~time skip to monday u have started eating a little more than before for niki and tubbo~

*ur all in school walking in the halls u hoping that u dont bump into clay but with ur lucky..*

D"hey katelynn can I talk to u"
"U...um sure what's up"
D"oh..um I was thinking would u wanna come with us on a road trip this week were going today after school"
"Um depends is niki and tubbo coming"
"Sure I'm in then"
D"great just get ur stuff ready now"
"Ye sure but it will mean I wont be at school today so if u see niki and tubbo looking for me tell them...ok thanks cya"

*u walk off heading for ur car but only to see the girl u try and not look at her or draw attention to urself u quickly make it into ur car and drive off...once u have got home u begin packing u make sure u pack everything u will need*

○shorts for normal use and one pj.
○a tan top/Boob tube.
○pj top.
○a skirt.
○a jacket in case it gets cold.
○a oversized t-shirt that was ur dads.
○and a oversized hoodie.

*for now that's all u could think of so u packed and put next to the door ready to go u text clay about the details*

So who's car we
Going in.

Well I've booked a hire van
For us and this beautiful air b&b
For us to stay in.

Ok cool well
Should I walk somewhere
So we can head off
Or r u going to pick everyone

No it's fine just give me
Ur address I'll pick
U up first so not
Everyone knows
Where u live sound good.

Ye sure well just text me
When ur outside my address Is
******** Avenue.

Ye ok I'll come pick u up in a minute.

Ok btw thanks for the offer.

Its fine:)

*u put ur phone on charge almost forgetting to pack it make up u quickly get it and put it in ur suitcase and pack some extra stuff then put the suitcase downstairs next to the front door*

P"were r u going"
*u realise ur gonna have to tell a little lie cuz otherwise he wouldn't let u go but u really wanted to*
"Oh I'm just going on a road trip for a week"
*that was the truth*
P"who with"
"Oh just niki and tubbo"
P"alright fine dont get hurt katelynn no hospital trips pls"
"Yes ok I know"
*u run back upstairs and it on ur bed on ur phone while is charging suddenly a text comes from clay*

Its fine:)

I'm outside now.

Ok im coming.

(Just a thank u for everything I'm gonna say when I first started to write I thought I wasnt gonna get any reads but I've looked today and ive got 1.22k I'm sorry I didnt thank u all earlier I just have been very busy but I've been trying my best and even got drafts I'm going to post when I have no time to write so I hope ur all loving my story as much as I like writing them like no joke I'll be in my school and I'll think of an idea for the story and first the rest of the day I'll be even more excited to get home and just write it down anyways sorry for the carry on but ye thanks for everything I really dont deserve all u guys u made my day thanks for that❤)

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