the aftermath 2

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"Ok ok i get it if i need help u will help"
*u said as u shove them out the door*

G"well all we can do is wait i guess"

*U walk towards the shelf that has the wipes on and start undressing*

*u say as u try pull the shorts off ur feet u hear ranboo shout

R" r u ok in there"
*u shout back*
"Yea fine"

*U start wiping down ur chest slowly going over the bruises u move on to ur arms and doesbthe same and slowly wipes them u then move on to ur belly then putting ur pj crop top on realising george didnt bring u a bra for the morning but u didnt really care cuz u was going home  and with that u then went on to ur legs but they just hurt trying to take off ur shorts but u try ur best cuz u didnt really want them to come in so u move to ur legs and the pain starts u cant handle it u fall to the floor to see if that will help...(btw u have pants on cuz lets say i already did that bit so u have u pj crop top on and pants thats about it)

They both shout

R"r u ok"
G"r u ok"
U didnt answer cuz ur still trying to wipe ur legs in pain
R"thats it im going in"
G"fine but lets hope she doesnt care cuz i dont know"

*ranboo walks in u quickly look up from ur legs up to ranboo at the door*

"Oh sorry for making u both worry im fine"
*he blushes*
R"umm do u need help"
*he sits on the floor with u*
"Oh umm sure can u just get my legs it hurts to reach down and same with my back and i cant tie my hair back but u dont have to do that ill have a normal shower then im home tomorrow"
*u blush aswell he grabs a wipe and starts wiping ur legs down*

R"ok ill get ur legs and back i would tie ur hair but i dont know how"
"Oh no thats fine george will do it"
R"george can tie hair wow"
"Well ye i taught him since i hung around with him alot so i would half my hair and i would do one side as he watched and he would try key word there try it on the other side until he got it right"
R"wow thats something i can make fun of him now thanks"
*he moves to ur back*
U both laugh and george still outside*
"Hey do u think he has fallen asleep out there not heared from him since u came in"
R"i wouldnt be suprised"
*u both laugh as he finish ur back and u put on ur pj shorts*

"Well lets see"
*u open the door and find a body in front of the door its george asleep*
R"well guess he did"
"Will u pick him up"
R"umm ye sure"

*u both walk back into the room u in front of ranboo and ranboo carrying george*

R"so where should i put him"
"Oh just put him on my bed"
R"oh um ok"
*he puts george on the bed as he turns back to u, u kiss him and he kisses u back he sits down on the chair next to the bed still kissing eachother u climb on him and sit down u both stop*

R"so where r u going to sleep"
"Right here ur comfyer then hospital beds"
*u both start making out again*
R"night babe"
"Night luv u"
*u get comfy and rest ur head on his shoulder as he get comfy too u both fall asleep as u sleep for a couple of hour u wake as u have a nightmare about the crash u quick wake and realise ur fine and ranboo was still asleep and so was george u hug ranboo tightly as u let go u get of him slowly and walk to the window.

U open the blinds and look at the stars u feel some thing wrap around u, u turn around its ranboo he begins to speak as he does so he says this in hes morning voice(its not morning tho)

R"babe what r u doing"
*u smile and kiss his cheek*
"Go back to bed im fine"
R"nooo u come to bed with me"
"Ok in a minute"
R"urgg fine"

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