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*back to present ur looking at ur old texts from ranboo still not hearing from him since the party*

U decide to text him

Hey um im sorry about that thing that happend.
i..i was drunk i didnt mean to upset u.
I understand ur upset just pls text me so ik ur ok.

*no one answers ur sat with ur phone facing down at the side of u as u lay flat on ur face on ur bed crying*

R pov:

My phone blows up with notifactions from y/n i wanted to open them but its probbaly something about me leaving so quick.

*he swipes the notifactions away and gets back on discord with the group*

R"hey im back sorry i just had to do something"
W"its ok anyways lets get back on with the game"
T"soo ranboo since u didnt tell me but told wilbur i think u have something to spill"
G"umm tommy"
T"so go on whats the tea with y/n did u find out what happend go on tell us"
R"umm i...i need to go"
G"its ok u can go"
*he leaves the discord call and mc*

G pov:

I play mc with the group and ranboo comes back from doing something*

R"hey im back sorry i just had to do something"
W"its ok anyways lets get back on with the game"
T"soo ranboo since u didnt tell me but told wilbur i think u have something to spill"
G"umm tommy"
*i spill out as i am now wondering what hes going to say while i hold back what i know*

T"so go on whats the tea with y/n did u find out what happend go on tell us"
R"umm i...i need to go"
G"its ok u can go"
*ranboo leaves*

W"what was that about"
T"i dont know but i wanna know what happend wilbur what did u say to u"
W"not much really just about ..."
*he pauses*
T"what, what did he tell u about"
W"i gotta go karls calling me"(that was a lie if u didnt notice)
Tub"cya wilbur"
*he leaves*
T"wow is this just going to carry on"
*i stay quite until tommy shouts my name*
G"what tommy"
T"do u know what happend"
T"umm r u sure"
G"yes im getting tired i think i might go ive been out this afternoon so ye"
T"ok sure ill go too"
G"ok cya tommy bye tubbo"
T"ye cya"
Tub"bye george and tommy"
*the call ends and i go sit on my bed and text ranboo*

U have to text her or something u cant avoid her all ur life u know.
Ik but...i dont know.
Shes worried about u yknow.
Yep she cares about u yknow she trusts u and that takes her alot to do she has only ever told me about her condition but now she has trusted u and told u, u cant just ignore her like this she overthinks alot and u not texting her wont help.
Idk if she wants to tell u this but she ...she nm.
Ok ill try.

Y/n pov

He still hasnt answered ur looking at ur phone and at the text u sent to see if he was active.
His dot turned green saying he was active.
Ur head rises to get ready to text the word typing come up in the bottem of the screen until the word typing disappears and with a few seconds so did the green dot u throw ur phone on the floor overthinking everything u have done since u met him and if u put too much trust into him 'is he going to tell everyone is he going to expose me was this the whole plan to start with do they all hate me r they just putting on a act.

U try to stop thinking about everything but ur sadness took over tears streaming down ur cheeks uncontrollablely u decide to have a late night drive to try keep ur mind off it u get in ur car and start driving...

G pov:

I stop texting ranboo and go to text y/n

Hey umm r u ok?
Sorry i didnt text u as soon as i got home.
Come on y/n r u that mad.
ok stop the games.
y/n u there u havent answered me like u normaly do??
Im coming round.

*hes at ur house he walks in "no ones here" he checks outside and realises ur cars not there he picks up ur phone from ur floor to notice it only just working with the now smashed screen u could only just work out the texts*

"She was texting him and he didnt answer it says he was active not long ago i need to find her shes probbally overthinking again like always"

*get back in his car to try find u and calls wilbur*

G"will shes not home shes gone out somewhere"
W"no she hasnt has she"
G"ye shes driving somewhere im trying to find her dont tell ranboo ok"
W"ok will do"
G"ok i gtg ill call u if i find her and ill imform u"

*i end the call*

Y/n pov

Ur sight gets blury as ur tears get worse u cant see every well all u see is a light coming towards u and then its nothing but darkness u hear people talking around u.

G pov

Ill check around her area.

He sees all the cars stoped and people crowed around something. "Its y/n"
I shove the people away to get to her "y/n can u hear me give me a sigh that u can.
Note sorry theres going to be alot of swapping pov so just make sure u read it carefully.
Y/n pov

U hear someone call ur name u reconise the vocie... george its george hes telling u to give him a sigh but u can hardly feel u body the only thing u could do was try *u try move any bit of ur body u can as he calls out again "pls give me a sigh y/n pls".

G pov

I call out again i finally look at her in the eyes (well not in the eyes cuz there closed but u know what i mean)
As he sees ur eye lids scrunch up. I was glad y/n was ok.

I call out to someone "did anyone contact the ambalance" as someone shouts back yes its nearly here someone said as it pulled up *i lift up y/n on to the strecher and get put in the back as one of the men tell me i cant go with her but can follow in my car.

So i do that but before we set off i call wilbur.

G"so good news and bad i found y/n"
W"ok well thats the good im guessing whats the bad"
G"she was in a crash and were on our way to the hospital now do me a favor and dont and im mean DONT TELL ANYONE"
W"ok ok but keep me informed pls and is she going to be ok"
G"im sure she will she can hear us but its hard for her to move because of the pain shes a strong one trust me ik"

*u end call as the amblance sets off u follow*

(Oh and pls comment some ideas for me on what storys u want next.
Also sorry if the next chapter comes later cuz i kinda droped my phone in water and it had to sit in rice for a whole day so ye ive not started the next chapter yet sorry.)

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