no motivation

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Tw:no eating, throwing up

~time skip night ur still out~

*ur phone is about to die but u dont care u look at it to see loads of miss calls or text from not just clay from everyone it started to rain hard after u stayed there on the bench for abit I got up and slowly started to walk to ur car u climbed in wet through u didnt wanna go back there was only one person close by u didnt want to but u have to u start driving until u get infront of the large forest u get out it's still raining and slowly still crying walk to the door and knock*

Ur pov:

*a boy appears from the other side and looks at u after a couple seconds ur being dragging into the house by a hug he closes the door with his foot still holding u he then grabs ur hand and leads u to the sofa*

Tub"hey everything ok"
*he asked I didnt know what to say
Do I tell him what happened or make something up my mind was playing tricks on me and I had to decide quick and my mind was no help I couldnt think if anything to lie about*
"Me and clay got in a fight and he called me a slut"
*u cried out*
Tub"oh I'm so sorry kate"
*I feel a warm touch around me I know it was tubbo giving me another hug to comfort me*
Tub"hey um I dont know if u want to but u can stay here for a week or something I'll be here for the first day but I'm if to England to see Tommy u dont have to stay if u dont want"
"Oh um sure I'll take the spare room cuz I wouldn't want to mess up urs"
Tub"ye ok well we should go to bed it's pretty late"
"Ye ok"
*u both head to ur rooms u in the spare and tubbo in his*
Tub"if u need anything just wake me up kate night"
"Ye ok thanks tubbo night"
*u get in bed*

*u thought maybe sleeping would help wash away the thoughts of clay but they didnt that was all u could think about u didnt want to encounter him at all not yet anyways u called u horrible things and was rude nothing even happened between me and sapnap...I dont think but that's not the point even if I did we was drunk it meant nothing at this point I just wanted to be away from everything u eventually fell asleep*

~time skip next day~

*u heard the door open someones head appears around it*

Tub"hey u have been in bed all day u ok come get something to eat and a shower to freshen up u might feel better I'm leaving now btw so I'll see ya when I'm back bye kate"

*the head disappeared and then u heard a door close u wanted to stay in bed and not move all u did was cry topped with even more crying u didnt even bother getting out of bed u felt...u didnt really know how u felt u was mad but upset disappointed but never one at a time it was all at the same time sometimes throwing more emotions in it's been a couple of days and u still havent moved but u didnt want to so it was fine it was finally the day tubbo got back...*

Tub"im home"
*he shouted running upstairs to put his stuff in his room while doing that he shouted again*
Tub"u still here kate"
*he walks into the room to see u still in bed he walks over to the edge of the bed*

Tub"kate u cant live like this u need to shower and move u cant just stay in bed the rest of ur life ur gonna have to face him at one point I'll text him to come over get ready and then if he trys anything I'm here for u"

*he leaves the room and u assume hes text clay now u stayed in bed still and few moments later u finally get up and head to the bathroom u have no motivation u close the door and lock it all of a sudden u fine ur self kneeling on the floor infront of the toilet throwing up tubbo was coming to tell u clay was going to be just a few minutes but he heard something he walked in and listened he hear u throwing up he sat there for about 5minutes until the door went he walks down stairs and meets with clay..(ur now brushing ur teeth)...*

Tub"hey um what did u do to her"
D"what do u mean"
Tub"well she told me what happened but I went to England to see tommy for a week and she hasn't moved out that bed not even to eat or shower I know its dirty but its cuz shes hurt she has no motivation anymore this morning was the first time she got out and shes been throwing up for 5minutes I was outside listening shes in a right state u have done something really really stupid clay"
D"i know I didnt mean to call her that or start on her I know we was all drunk and it meant nothing I was being rude and then i called her a slut which I know its not true"
Tub"wait what happened then u all got drunk she didnt tell me this part"
D"well we did a video with mr beast and his team with me sapnap and kate it was a 24hour drinking challenge we all got drunk and apparently I was being really rude and everyone was just dancing but then it was the end of the video and there was a clip then in the background sapnap and kate made out"
Tub"oh ok and then that's when the argument happens I'm guessing"
D"ye but I didnt mean it"
Tub"ye well we better get u up to see her then"
*tubbo led the way and stood outside the door and out of the way so dream could walk in he placed his hand on the handle and opened it seeing the room a mess and just a girl sat on the edge of the bed looking out the window sobbing he sits next to her*
*he places his hand on ur shoulder u flinch*
D"look I'm sorry I didnt mean any of those things I promise I love u kate and I always have I'm sorry for when we was drunk I was rude and I'm just sorry for everything"
D"look kate I'm telling the truth pls just forgive me"
"I'm sorry clay but maybe u should think about things before u say them calling me a slut whether ur sorry or not it's a hard thing to get over u know it's not one of those things u can brush off"
D"i know I didnt mean for this to happen kate I really didnt just tell me what I can do for u to forgive me"
"I dont know clay if I'm honest I'm hurt and theres nothing really to do look I know ur trying to apologise and all but do u really think that's gonna help im sorry but I think I need sometime alone clay"
*u push him out the room and close the door then start tidying ur stuff up to leave tubbos*

Clay's pov:

"...I'm sorry but I think I need sometime alone clay"
*before I got and chance to reply she pushed me out the door closing it I walk down the stairs upset with myself and as I was opening the door tubbo approached*
Tub"so how did it go"
D"oh ye she wants time alone"
Tub"oh...I'm really sorry clay I guess ur gonna have to give her it I'm sure she'll come around dont sweat it"
*i hope she does' I said in my mind as I left in my car heading to sapnaps tears formed while I was driving I tried to hold them back as I was now outside sapnaps there was some cars outside his house he clearly had someone over I got out the car to realise it was Karl's car meaning he was here and maybe alex I walk to the door and knock the raven haired boy answers and let's me in I sit down on the sofa with the rest of them sapnap joining after he shuts the door*

A"hey what's up with u sad ass"
*sapnap gave alex a state saying 'shut up' with his eyes*
K"so anything new with kate I'm so to hear what happened u know sh..."
D"she hates me shes trying to to show it or say in but ik she hates me"
S"hey dont say that clay"
*he trys moving his hands on Clay's shoulders to comfort him but clay slapped them off*
D"shut up sapnap ur the one that made out with her"
S"hey look it wasnt our fault we was drunk we all was u being rude while doing so it meant nothing dream and I bet she already told u that"
K"so what did she say"
D"well I went to see her today she wasnt looking good tubbo told me she hasn't got out of bed since not to eat jor even to shower the first time she got up was today because tubbo kept on asking and then that happened she threw up for atleast 5minutes tubbo said"
A"jesus she is really hurt then I didnt think it was this bad so y arent u with her rn she clearly needs u"
D"well I spoke to her and she pushed me out the room and said she needed sometime alone and I left"
K"hey I know it's not really the time but have u looked at Kate's song us"
A"of course it was great"
K"this probably wasnt on purpose but if u listen to the lyrics it kinda links to this"
S"shit it does aswell"
A"wait wtf"
D"ye but..."
K"just listen at the start it's sad but if u listen...'tell me how to be in this world
Tell me how to breath and feel no hurt tell me how cuz I believe in something I believe is us...' meaning she still believes in u and her shes just under so much and its overwhelming but she will find a way out just give her time clay dont upset urself"
D"wow karl thanks for that I think I'll let her be alone still for alittle"
S"sounds good"
A"so where u gonna stay"
D"oh well idk I dont think I can go back to out house yet she might be there and I will feel to alone"
K"its not my choice since it's not my house I just live here but u could stay with me Alex and sapnap until she wants u back or until u do something about it"
S"thats alright u can stay if u want dream"
D"thanks sapnap"

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