it never went away

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⚠️tw blood, knife,self harm⚠️

~time skip to a bit later~

Tommys pov:

I decided to change into my red t-shirt and some blue jeans and call Wilbur to tell him that he doesn't know if he can still meet up

T"hey wilbur I just wanted to let u know I dont know if I can come meet u"
W"wait y we planned this for a while"
T"ye I know it was fun the last time we did this"
W"ye that's y we should do it today pls tommy"
T"i dont know wilbur"
W"y what made u change ur mind"
T"well about that I didnt change my mind it was kinda my mum she had to go away for work for sometime"
W"oh so u should be able to come"
T"i guess"
W"good because it took time getting to this beach yknow we dont exactly live next door"
T"ye ok well I'll text u when I'm there"
W"ok I'll set off soon then"
T"ye ok"
*he ends call and goes to ur room where u r*

T"hey lily"
"Uhm" u say reading an old song u want to start singing again*
T"um I was thinking we could go out I had plans with wilbur to go meet up at the beach"
"Tommy that's pretty far"
T"ye that's y ur going to come with but just not hang around with us"
"Urg fine then let me just grab a blanket so I can sit on the beach and play my guitar"
T"ye ok then"

Ur pov:

I get ready and put on this..

And do ur makeup tommy comes back in ur room*

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And do ur makeup tommy comes back in ur room*

T"u done yet"
"Nearly tommy just putting these on...ok done now let me grab my stuff and we will go"
T"ok well I'll open ur car and wait in it for u"

*he grabs ur keys and waits in the car u quickly grab all the stuff u need like ur phone and charger house keys the blanket ur guitar and ur purse and head out locking the door behide ur self and get in the car *

"Ok u ready"
T"yes heres the keys"
"Thank u and r u sure u dont need the loo before we go I'm not stopping"
T"yes I'm sure"
"Ok well let's go"

~time skip ur there but get there early than u expected~

T"guess were early"
"Well I saw a place not far we can get something to eat"
T"ye sure"

*u both have some dinner and head back to the beach and tommy sees wilbur*

T"hey that's me imma go".
"Ok but dont go far I'm going to stay here" *he say setting down the blanket and sitting on it and start tuning ur guitar*

Tommys pov:

I see wilbur stood facing the water looking for me

T"hey wilbur"
W"oh hey it's nice to see u again"
T"ye god I missed this beach"
W"ye same so Tommy how did u get here"
(Btw wilbur hasn't seen u before so he doesn't even know its u sat with ur guitar singing)
T"oh lily did she drives"
W"oh well guess she didnt wanna stick around"
*he laughs*

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