the faint

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⚠️Tw blood and fainting also throwing up⚠️


Ur pov:

*I wake up I sit up and u smell something horrible I try find what it it and finally figure it out and it was me I smelt like throw up and alcohol so I decided I'd get a shower I head to my bathroom and begin taking off my heels and dress along with everything else I turn on the shower and get in and close the curtain behind ur self*

*after awhile u start feeling something sting u look down and see ur plaster has come off u try was the makeup around it way and end up catching ur nail on one of the cuts u scream but try not to be loud but u cant help it and end up waking tommy*

(Let's pretend ur mum woke up earlier and went shopping so shes not in rn)

Tommy's pov:

I wake up after hearing someone scream it sounds like lily I go to her bedroom the door still half open from last night but lily's not in bed the bathroom doors shut I stand outside it and listened in.

*u hum in pain*(idk how to explain it I guess like when u stub ur toe or hurt ur self and u go "ummm" in stead of screaming idk)

I hear her in pain I try the door but its locked I think she heard the door go through.

Ur pov:

I hear the door rattle.

T"lily r u ok in there" u hear him shout as u start to bleed alittle u try wash it off but it keeps bleeding*
"I'm fine tommy just showering"
T"u sure I heard u scream"
"No I'm fine"
T"well just be careful"
"Uhm will do"

*he stays in ur room listening while u shower u not knowing u carry on washing ur self after u finish u turn off the shower and get out and start looking for some skin tone plasters in ur cupboards making alot of noise doing so but u finally find them u wipe away the blood and put on the plaster and put ur towel around ur self and brush ur teeth*

*tommy hears everything what just happend wondering what ur doing in there*

*ur finish up and unlock the door tommy hears u and quickly runs out ur room back to his and sits on his gaming chair as if nothing happend and quickly joins a call on discord with alex karl and tubbo but then theres a bang*

*u hear alot of noise as u come out the door so u decide to check on tommy as u needed to thank him for last night u walk to his room holding ur towel tight and walk in and see the camera with his mates on call asking where he is u look on the floor and see him laid there u quickly get on the floor and pick him up and put him on his bed forgetting his mates was on call and when tommy fell he must have knocked the camera so it was facing the bed u quickly grab the tester from his drawers and test his blood sugar*

"Shit hes low um right the stash"
U say to ur self*
*u quickly head to his box under his bed to get the stash of sugar filled stuff for him u try waking him up but the first try didnt work so u go some water and put Tommy's head on ur lap and got a bit of the end of ur towel and  wet it with the cold water and placed it on his face before he finally started waking up*

"Its ok tommy stay laid down u just fainted that's all here look eat this"
*u hand him some kind of sweet*
"Its fine good thing I came in here isn't it"
*u start brushing his hair with ur hand in the silence with he eats u start to hear a faint clapping sound u look to ur right and see that the camera was facing u both with Tommy's friends watching the whole thing u see tubbo the only one u know and start taking to him from the bed*

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