the new figure

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~u just finish the song~

"Wow it's been a long time since I've played my keyboard "
T"ye but u still got it"
"Well I could teach u how to play since I play guitar now and if I ever make a song with both u could help"
T"ye sure y not maybe later though I think I just heard mum come in"
"Ye ok let's go down and help her with the shopping"

*u go downstairs and help ur mum with the shopping and put the coke in the fridge and put the sweet things aside for Tommy's stash*

Mum"ok thanks guys u can do what u want now"
"Ok mum here tommy grab the rest off them" *u say as u pick half of tommys stash up and start walking upstairs to his room as he grabs the rest and follows behind u*

(Ur mum is just chillin doing whatever)

T"hey lily can u restore my stash I need to go live and ik u like sorting my stash out for me"
"Ye sure"
T"ok thanks" *he says as he put the stuff on the bed next to where u put the ones u were holding while u get the box from under his bed again as he goes to sit in his chair to stream*

*he starts his stream and before u start restoring his stash u go quickly get him a coke from the fridge and open it and take a sip while ur behind him and then place it next to him on his desk*

T"hey that's mine"
"Well ur loss I got it for u"
T"urg thanks I guess then"
*u laugh and sit back on Tommy's bed ready to restore Tommy's stash chat start going crazy asking who's that voice was and who was standing behind him a second ago*

T"wow thanks lily chats going crazy now"
*he turns to u*
(The cameras no facing the bed btw so they cant see u and when u drank some of his coke u couldn't see ur face cuz one ur tall to the camera was on tommy and he was sat down)

"Oh well that's a secret I'm just a mystery"
T"oh shut up" *he turns back to the camera and joins the vc and is welcomed by Phil ranboo wilbur and tubbo he then does his stream like always with the char still asking who it was and if he finally got a women and all u could hear him shout after he looked at chat was*

T"no shes not my woman ew shes my sister u guys"
So u shout to tommy*
"Hey tommy should I come in stream this once so they'll shut up also I'm finished"
T"ye whatever if u want"
*u get in the camera view and start to speak*
"Hey guys I'm Tommy's big sister my names lily"
*u looked at the chat spamming with all sorts like omg lily that's a pretty name...
And stuff like we ur ugly imma stop watching tommy now cuz of u so u quickly get out view and say to tommy
"Hey tommy I've finished ur stash I need to go pick up my car from the hotel I want be long"
T"oh ok"
"Alright oh btw mum texted me she said dinner will be done soon so tommy when she shout pls go and eat oh and ur stash is on ur bed"
T"alright will do and thanks for doing it for me"
*u walk out and ruffle his hair on the way out*
"See u later kiddo"

*u leave the house and pick up ur car*

~abit of time passes~

Tommy's pov:

T"so guys that's it for today's stream see u in my next stream"
*he ends his stream and heads to his bed and looks at the stash box u sorted out*

T"so guys that's it for today's stream see u in my next stream"*he ends his stream and heads to his bed and looks at the stash box u sorted out*

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