sorry if i got ur hopes up but this is just a note please read

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Omg guys your all amazing thank you so much for this I've got so big on the story I cant thank you enough if you would like to read my other story so close yet so far it will get better when I get into it but I am also going to start another story...

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Omg guys your all amazing thank you so much for this I've got so big on the story I cant thank you enough if you would like to read my other story so close yet so far it will get better when I get into it but I am also going to start another story so I can swap between the two but I dobt think I'll be posting that one yet but it's called backseat rider like I said it's not being published yet tho so pls check out so close yet so far I promise it will get better once I write more anyways love you all so sorry if I got you all excited but stay safe and healthy <3


Thank you so much for the 2.48k reads omg I love you guys never thought I'd get this far sorry for not posting I'm working on a book but have not really got any motivation and I have to think of ideas and I'm busy with school and just everything so I have that aswell to add to the stress so I'm so sorry but I'll try get stuff out for you guys but like I said thank you all in so grateful and just happy people have read my book <3 stay healthy and hydrated look after urself xx

Update just to say thank you and sorry I am working on a new story but it's going slower than I expected because I'm struggling with my mental health but I'm trying and I also have school so I have little time to write but I'll try my best

Other than that I wanted to say thank you for the

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