im sorry

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~time skip to morning only 2 days and the weekend left of the trip~

*soon enough everyone was up and went downstairs waking clay up...except u..u stay upstairs after awhile clay comes up everyone still downstairs talking...clay knocks a couple of times before coming in and doesnt see u so starts looking around ur room he opens the door that was open by a crack so he pushes it open*

D"im so sorry"
"Get out"
*he walks out closing the door sitting on ur bed...after awhile u come out in ur towel*
"So what do u might of been nice if u knocked I was getting in the shower well as I'm sure u knew"
D"i just wanted to talk to u I did know I couple times but u didnt answer so I walked in and couldnt see u so I looked around I didnt know u was going to be u know"
" I tend that's what u do when u shower"
D"im sorry kate I really am and that's for everything meaning yesterday now and just everything"
"Ye u better be I never thought with a conjoined bathroom to the room I'm in I'll have to lock the door but from now on I think I will"
D"kate I said I'm sorry I didnt mean to"
"Umm ok well what else is there to say cant really get my words out so"
*u say while getting ur clothes out for tomz and ur pjs for now u leave ur towel up and slid ur pants and joggers on then put ur top on and then drag it towel off so ur now in ur pjs and clay saw nothing*
"So is that all u wanted me for cuz quite frankly I've got to text my brother"
D"ye ok well I'll see u later kate like I said I'm sorry"
*clay opens the door and leaves closing the door behind him and walking into his room*

~u text techno for abit just catching up with eachother all of a sudden u get a notification from some lad and then everyone goes to sleep but clay trying to handle all his thoughts~

-y did I do this...I'm so stupid...whats wrong with me....y did I pull away.....I do love her-

~soon after everyone is asleep time skip to morning~

*ur the first one up its early in the morning and head downstairs after changing into some shorts and oversized t-shirt with a chain and a lock hanging from it*

*u go on ur phone looking through ur social media until everyone made there way down karl told everyone to get ready it still being pretty early and to get in the car he wants it to be a surprise so he drives alex in the front with him sapnap niki...

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*u go on ur phone looking through ur social media until everyone made there way down karl told everyone to get ready it still being pretty early and to get in the car he wants it to be a surprise so he drives alex in the front with him sapnap niki george and tubbo in the middle leaving u and clay in the back everyone either asleep or listen to the music well that being alex karl u and clay the rest alseep the music loud enough to no hear *


*ur looking out the window and u feel a warm hand being placed on ur thigh u look down and see the hand u look up at clay he gives u a shy smile*

D"i am really sorry kate"
"Its fine b..but did u really mean it"
D"mean what"
"U know yesterday at the I really think I'm horrible"
D"what r u on about I never said anything like that ur pretty and the nicest person"
"Well when u pulled away from me...and didnt say a thing"
D"i didnt say anything cuz i didnt want to upset u more than I already did and the reason i pulled away was because i didnt want anyone to see us"
"But what happened than that morning what happened to taking risks"
D"im extremely sorry kate pls just forgive me"
*he moves the hand from ur thigh to ur waist and the other cupping ur cheek kissing u and u kiss him back then pull back to catch ur breath u smile at him u turn around and lay on his lap he wraps his arms around him hugging u and falls asleep with u*

*everyone wakes up and get out the car*
"Is there a place to sleep here I'm tired and only just went to sleep"
S"open ur eyes"
*u wipe ur eyes getting out the car*
"A zoo really"
N"it will be ok"
S"lets just go"
D"it will be ok kate let's just go it might be fun yknow"
A"come on guys"
K"come on we need to pay"
Tub"hurry I love animals"
G"lets just go"

*u all go in looking at all the animals after looking around all the animals and getting some dinner u all head home after coming back u all go for a walk while ur out u all get a little snack u all walk back home and then get a shower and go to sleep*

~time skip to morning u only have one day of the week it being friday and the weekend~

"Morning babes"
*u say climbing on his bed laying next to him*
D"morning baby"
"So only two days left huh until we go home"
D"what r u on about we have three"
"Oh ye I forgot to tell u I have to go home sunday morning"
D"oh ok well I'll take u home if u want I dont mind"
"No i wouldn't want to ruin ur last day"
D"no u wouldn't I'll take u home I insist"
"If ur sure...well I'll be going down I think I'm just having a rest day today and maybe just us two tomorrow"
*u smile getting off of the bed from the hug walking downstairs soon after him coming down sitting next to u..u cuddle up to him putting ur legs over his*

G"ok love birds calm down"
K"get a room"
"Oh shut up will ya"
D"ye u tell them kate"
S"so did u tell dream"
"What r u on about"
D"tell me what"
A"about how ur leaving on sunday morning"
D"oh so u told them"
N"ye all of us"
Tub"even me"
"Of course I'd tell u tubbo ur one of my best mates and yes clay it should I say dream I did tell them now dont be getting jealous"
*u say looking at tubbo then clay and giggling giving him a smile*
"Oh ye guys and niki ---*u say looking at her nearly laughing her nearly laughing back*--- I'm having a lay in day today and I think tomorrow will be for me aswell"
N"oh ok then"
Tub"ok r u sure"
"Ye I'm sure"
S"how about u dream"
K"what will u be doing on Saturday tomorrow that is"
D"yes I do know and ye I'll probably be with Kate"
G"called it"
A"ok then"
"Well what r u all going to be doing then"
S"well probably going to the beach or on a walk somewhere or something like that"
"Ok sounds good but what r u all doing today"
A"well we booked a table at the pub garden u can come"
"Um well I might aswell I guess"
D"well were not off yet anyways so u will have time to get ready and do what u need"
"What r u o...*u look around and see no one is in there pjs but u* oh right I'll get a shower now and get ready"
*clay gives u a kiss on the cheek and u get up going upstairs*


S"sooo...what's with that then"
K"u know the kissing on the cheek the legs over eachother"
N"im sure u know"
G"u have been acting like it since idk I think the party or after that"
D"oh right that...I dont know if I can well if shes ok with me saying"

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