r u found

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⚠️ little self harm ⚠️

*Tommy walks to tubbos...ur mum gets in police car and sets off with them*

*the search*

*P1 with the dog and wilbur and ur mum go the other way to p2 and p3*

P1"can u pass me that shirt sir"
W"oh ye here"

*wilbur hands him ur shirt he let's the dog smell it and let it off the lead and they all followed it*
Mum"what would she be on this trail its closed off y would she be here"
*P1 radios the others the dog has something locked on*
W"wait has he got something"

Tommy's pov:

*arrives at tubbos*

T"hey lani is tubbo upstairs"
L"oh hi and yes hes in his room"
T"ok thanks"
*tommy goes upstairs and into tubbos room*
T" hey tubbo what's going on the police showed up at my house I tried to listen in but could only hear my mum sobbing"
Tub"r u sure u wanna know tommy it will break ur heart and make u stressed alot"
T"ye I do shes my sister"
T"shes what tubbo"
T"wait what no no no she cant be"
*tubbo looks at the floor both of them tearing up*
T"i..is..she a..a. alive how long has she been missing"
Tub"the day she left ..h..home"
T"so a full ....t...two days"
T"what is shes not....not...found ...a...alive"
*they both start crying*
Tub"tommy d...dont say that s...she will ..b..be"
*they hug while crying*

P1"looks like he wants us around here through this hedge"
Mum"well if this finds my daughter idc I'm going through"
W"ye I hope shes here"
Mum"its a big hill edge"(like a cliff but more of a hill idk)
P1"well let's check around here"
*the dog starts to bark*
P1"have u got something boy go on go on"
W"has he found her"
P1"we dont know yet just follow him I'll let him smell it again"
*p1 let's the dog smell ur shirt again the dog start to get closer*
Mum"whats that over there"
W"thats someone"
*they all run over*
P1"is this her"
*both start crying*
W"i..its her"
*p1 checks to see if ur alive*
P1"shes alive"
Mum"thank god thank god s..shes..a..alive"
*wilbur picks u up
P1 radios p1"shes alive we have found her kick back guys stop the search"*
*ur mum calls tubbos mum while there getting u into the car*

(Tm=tubbos mum)

Mum"we have found her shes alive...shes alive"
Tm"thank the lord I'll tell the boys tubbos probably told tommy what has happened"
Mum"ok thank u I'll call u back later"
Tm"ye ok just text me then u want me to send tommy home"
Mum"ye ok I think lily just needs some rest before people come see her"
Tm"ye it will be best ok well I'll let u go"
Mum"ok bye"
*tm ends the call*

*tubbos house....tubbos mum walks upstairs and into tubbos room to see that they both have been crying tubbos mum hugs them both*

Tm"its ok shes been found shes alive tommy shes fine"
T"r u sure"
Tm"yes ur mum just called me"
Tub"when can we go see her"
Tm"well she needs to get back to her normal self and then we can she has been out for two days straight in the cold with no food or water tubbo just give her time"
Tub"ye ok"
T"do u know then I can go"
Tm"ur mum will text me tommy for now I'm afraid u have to stay here"
T"ok well atleast we know she ok"
Tm"ye ok well I'm going to go down if any of u need me u know where I am"
Tub"ye ok mum"

Ur pov:

*u wake up and see ur in a car laying across the back seats with ur head on wills lap*

"w....where am i"
W"shes awake....its ok lily were nearly there"

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