back to this college

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(Also I just wanted to thank u all for the 1.35k reads I never thought I'd get this far and this many people i was preparing to give up on the first chapter if no one saw it but I've got this far so thank u all pls comment so ik if ur liking these storys).

Tw:unwanted physical contact/sexual assault(I dont know if it classifies as sexual assault I dont know anything really about it but I think it is) and not eating.

Dreams pov:

*walking around to the dorm building*
S"hey um about Kate"
D"ye what about her"
S"i saw um h..hickeys on her neck...was that u"
D"no I didnt...I dont think she would cheat....oh shit"
D"how would she get who"
S"thats what I'm saying"

~time skip everyones at niki and tubbos dorm~

*ur sat inbetween george and dream clay placed his hand on ur thigh and looks at ur neck u look at him and stand up*

D"hey um can I speak to u private"
" s..sure"
*he leads the way into the spare room and shuts the door*
D"did u cheat on me"
"W..what clay"
D"so what's that"
*clay pulls u to the mirror and puts ur head to the side to show the hickeys u pull away and look down*

"C..clay it's not what it looks like"
"I'm telling u the t..truth"
*u say on the verge of crying*
*u look at him u crying and run out the door*
D"kate wait..I'm sorry"
*u run into the group who put out their arms to try and stop u to see if ur ok*

"Get off me"
*they get off u and u run out of the dorm and out the building to ur car then drive home*

-at the dorm-

G"what was the shouting about"
K"whats wrong with u both"
N"what did u do"
D"look I didnt mean to"
S"is it about the hickeys"
*everyone looks confused but sapnap and dream*
S"i spotted hickeys on her neck earlier"
A"did u give her them dream"
D"no...thats what I was asking and um I think I just got mad and took it out on her"
N"id leave her to calm down before running after her maybe the rest of the day"
D"ye ok"
*he sits back on the sofa head in hands upset with himself*

-on the way to the car-

*u bump into someone u look up to see Lee u try break off from his grip...but he drags u away*

L"hey fancy seeing u here I was just heading to the shops but guess we can go to the forest"
(Btw he doesnt go to college)
*he pulls u to the forest not that far from the college by ur hips u and him sit on a bench in the forest still having his hand on ur hip the other in ur back pocket*
L"guess we can finish now"
*he starts sucking on ur neck again u begin crying he pulls away*
L"hey what's wrong...oh u want more ok"
*he goes in kissing u and the lips he pulls away catching his breath u catch urs then goes to ur neck again*
"I..I have g..go"
L"umm one more kiss"
*u goes in and kisses u making out with u after he pulls away and let's u go...u walk out the forest and back to ur car and drive home*

-at ur house-

*ur sat in the car on the drive crying with ur head on the wheel once u work up the courage to go in the house u do but go straight up to ur room locking it u look at urself in the mirror discussed u strip off ur clothes and get a shower...once u have done u get changed in some grey joggers and ur dads oversized hoodie u lay back in ur bed and pull the covers over u including ur head the curl up in a ball discussed and upset also guiltly with urself*

~time skip to morning~

*ur still in ur room and have no intention to come out theres a knock at ur door*

T"hey um kate phil told me u came back for college early and it does look like ur going today by the looks what's up pls tell me...come out"

*no answer*

T"kate pls"
*he stays their for afew minutes then leaves u stay in bed*

-at college-

Groups pov:

N"anyone seen kate shes not answering me is she with anyone of yous"
S"no I have tried to text her but no answer"
A"same here"
K"ye same here"
Tub"no answer"
G"have u heard from her dream"
D"no I hope shes ok but like niki said I think I'll wait and let her be alone and have a break from me"
A"seems fair"
K"ye ok well we better get to lesssons"
G"ye we have all week yet"
S"ye true...let's go"
*they all go to their lessons*

Ur pov:

*ur still in bed on ur phone searching the messages u have been sent by ur friends ur throughs going wild*

'I basically cheated on him'
'What have I done'
'I've hurt all my friends'
'I should just stay in my room...I cant hurt anyone if they cant see me or hear from me'
'That's a good idea'

*u turn ur phone off and put it on charge and take ur laptop off charge and open it after looking on it for awhile realising u have nothing to do on it so u shut it off then put it on the end if ur bed and decide u have nothing to do so u go to sleep*

-at college-

K"i really do hope shes ok"
A"do u think she'll come see us tomorrow to go out"
G"clay didnt say anything that bad did he well what we heard from him"
S"here Clay's coming"
D"heard from Kate yet"
*he sighs and sits down on the bleachers with the rest of the group*
N"hey dont get urself down clay"
Tub"she will be fine her brother and dad will take care of her well techno and phil"
D"ye but this was and is my fault I shouted at her and didnt let her explain herself she even tried to calm me down so she could but I didnt let her"
K"dont let it take u over I'm sure she will come around"
A"shes a tough girl she will get over it.
Shes been through it all and alot more this isnt going to be the worsted thing"
S"hes right u know"
D"ye but that doesnt changed what I did"
N"so ik this is going to darken the mood but who and how did she get those hickeys shes a really shy person it took her abit of time just to be ok with us not in a bad way I'm just saying theres no way she cheated"
D"well she tried to explain but I cut her off I should have been understanding and listened to what she had to say"
S"lets just calm down and talk about this later"

-at home-

*u wake up and find urself still in bed with ur hoodie and joggers with the laptop still at the bottom of the bed u sit up then rub ur eyes...u pull up ur phone from it being on charge u open the google home app and start playing some songs and climb out of bed and pull up the texts*

My dream

My dream:
Hey um kate I'm sorry pls answer.

My dream:
Pls answer kate I'm worried. I
Should have listen to u.

My dream:
I shouldn't have shouted at u.
U can explain urself to me if u

My dream:
I understand ur mad and u can be just pls tell me ur ok.

*u sighed and put ur phone down and climbed out of bed getting dizzy once u regain ur sight u walk into ur bathroom and brush ur teeth even though ur not going anywhere u would rather be clean once u have finished u get back in bed and pull ur hands up to ur face the sleeves from the hoodie covering ur face smelling ur dads cologne u sit back and move ur hands from ur face to ur waist and cross them over u look over to ur side and look at the time*

'Have I really been in bed all day and only now come out to brush my teeth...its good that no one seems to be upset I might aswell stay here for awhile and let everyone get away from me'

*u fall asleep but u find ur self tossing and turning...*

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