its a date

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~a carry on from last chapter so its still ranboo's pov~

*She turns over so shes facing me but still fast asleep* he lays there next to u watching how peaceful u look while dreaming away its not long before he falls asleep next to u.

Y/n pov:

U start gettimg cold but u feel a warmth coming from next to u as u shiver and make ur way to hug the warmth ...

R pov:

He felt something wrap around him he compeltey forgot that he fell asleep in ur bed he trys moving to the sofa where he would normaly stay when he came over and it was too late to go but as he tried he felt something pull him back...

Y/n's pov:

*u pull him back in bed while asleep for the warmth he lays back down and turns u over so ur facing the way u was before so he has one arm under u and one on top hugging ur torso *so spooning u*...

~time skip to morning u wake up first~

U have arms wraped around u, u turn around to see who it is. Ranboo u whisper as u move his hair out his face before he starts to wake up and u blush and try hide it.

*he blushes aswell*

U try get ur words out.
"Umm ill make something to eat what do u want"*ur on ur way to ur wardrobe to get out some new clothes to change in the bathroom u walk in the bathroom and changes to walk out and see him still in bed.
"So do u know what u want yet"
R"umm do u have eggs"
"Ye actually"
R"ill just have that then thanks"
"Oh ok"
U walk out the room to walk to the kitchen to cook ranboo's eggs.

R pov:

I lay in bed trying to process what just happend and if shes ok i text the group.

Hey guys umm a question.
What is it u woke me up.
oh sorry umm about last night umm well ill give u more info later wilbur but umm she seems fine but there was blood i dont get it?
what we talking about y/n again did u not ask her.
Hi tubbo and no i didnt we just woke up tommy and she just got up and got dressed so umm ye ill text u will about the info.
*ranboo turns his phone off*
What, wilbur what is he senting u.
Goodbye tommy im off back to sleep.
wait no i wanna know tell me tubbo do u know.
Nope i got here just after u idk whats happening.

*he gets changed and opens his phone back up and the texts from the group are spamming and then where's a text from wilbur u click on it.

So what was it tell me im off back to sleep after.
Umm ok so umm i kinda fell asleep next to y/n last night and umm she was facing me when i woke up looking at me and when i woke up she acted like it didnt happen what should i do?
Umm i dont know ask her if she wants to talk about or just leave it.
ok thanks i guess and umm dont tell anyone.
*u both leave the texts and ranboo goes to the kitchen to see u finishing the eggs.

Y/n pov:

U give him the eggs and drank ur coffee u made for urself as u take a sip and puts it down u start a convo.

"Soo umm im doing the washing after ive had this coffee u got anything to go in"
*he thinks about his hoddie what had the blood on it and thought if he should bring it up and so he does.

R"umm ye actually thanks"
"Ok just passes what u want going in and ill put it in, in a minute"
R"hey y/n u dont have to answer this but it would be helpful cuz im worried"
*He says as u both go to sit on the sofa after he finished his eggs*
"Umm what is it"
R"um well u know how we was talking before u fell asleep...
U inturputed him .
"Oh im sorry i didnt mean to u should of woke me up"
R"oh no its not that i dont mind and i wouldnt wake u ur was peacefully sleeping"
"Ok so what is it then"
R"oh ye um so we were talking and u started crying and um had ur glasses off and when i put u to sleep in ur bed i was changing and there was blood on my hoodie where u was layed i just wanted to know if u was ok"
"Oh um about that i think i should tell u so u dont worry"
R"oh what is it"
"So um the real reason i cover my eyes is cuz of my condition its called haemolacria its a rare condition where when u cry u cry little bits of blood at the same time and ive had bad reactions with it so i cover it up"
*u look at ur legs holding u coffee in both hands*
R"oh umm its ok u cant help it and i wont make fun of u dont worry"
*u look back up and see him smiling so u smile with him*
"Oh ye ill wash ur hoodie for u and anything else u need doing"
*u go to the washer and start putting clothes in*
R"u dont have to uknow ill do it "
"Oh no its fine i kinda like sorting them and that it helps me get my mind off things"
*u smile at him as u finish and get up to walk back to the sofa and sit with him*
"So did u like them"
R"what do u mean"
"Have u already forgotten wow i mean the eggs"
*u smile flicking his head with ur finger and giggle*
R"oh um ye there were the best"
*u both giggle*
"Good so i was thinking we should have like a party tonight its friday after all so what do u think"
R"um ye with who tho"
"Just us y not it will be fun ive got drinks so ye u up for it"
R"ye sure y not"

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