its not over

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(Oh just one thing covid doesn't exist in this let's say)

Tommy's pov:

*still on call*

W"aww that's cute tommy behave for ur mum"
Tubbo"shut up wilbur"
T"ye shut up"
Tubbo"where is she going tommy"
T"shopping like always"
Tubbo"well she doesn't look upset or angry anymore that's a good sign"
T"ye I guess but idk if she just putting a face on so I dont worry"
W"she will be fine tommy dont worry I still dont know what happened but it will be ok"
Tubbo"ye Wilburs right it will be ok"
T"ok guys thanks but I need to go see u later"
Tubbo"bye tommy if u need me or someone call"
T"ok tubbo" u smile*
W"ye if u need anyone were here"
T"ok thanks bye"

*he ends call*

*tommy gets up from his chair to change then goes down stairs to see his mum watching tv on the sofa*

T"morning mum"
Mum"morning good sleep"
T"um well kinda I guess"
Mum"well then i checked u both looked comfy"
T"wait u came in my room while i was sleeping that's creepy mum"
Mum"what it was only once cuz i heard doors shut so i wanted to make sure u both was in bed and then i saw u both cuddling"
*tommy sits on the sofa*
T"ye well I didn't know she came in"
Mum"i know u didnt u was fast asleep when I came in also what happend last night cuz she normally doesn't go in ur room"
T"well it's nothing she must of just got scared or something dont make a deal about it"
Mum"ok ok find where did she go anyways"
T"oh just shopping with some of her mates"
Mum"umm I dont believe her what was she wearing"
T"um idk like a jumper dress with high boots or something"
Mum"yep shes not going shopping that's for sure"
T"wait what where is she going then"
Mun"she off out drinking"
T"wait how do u know all that just by how she was dressed"
Mum"a mum knows tommy also that's not her style"
T"oh well that's a point but what's wrong with that shes old enough"
Mum"well she took her car so unless someones gonna drive her home or shes walking but the last thing would be she gets a room for the night which I think shes doing cuz she went out too early to drink"
T"well what can we do"
Mum"nothing we dont know where she is she will be fine she can take care of herself she would have thought it through"
T"ok well imma go stream mum"
Mum"ok tommy"

*he gets up and walks upstairs into ur room just to look around*

*he talks to his self while walking to ur desk*

T"wow this is what shes writing shes good it probably would be better to the music tho the names remember that night"

*walks around ur room so more before walking out closing the door behind himself the walking into his own room to stream*

Ur pov:

*I book a room for us after my mates and I get coffee and we chill in the room for a little just talking with music playing in the background on the tv*

~time skip tommy has finished his stream and u and ur mates r about to leave the hotel to go to the pub~

~at the pub~
(Btw u can name ur mates what u want but imma just be putting mate 1 and 2)

"Hey guys next round on me"
*mates cheering*
Mate 1"yes lily let's go"
2"ye ur the best"
*u all laugh*
"So what u guys wanting"
1"ill have a foster pls lily thanks"
2"imma have some shots lily wanna join"
"Ye sure I'll go order them"
*u nearly make it to the bar*
"Hey excuse me can I have one fosters beer and a couple of shots thanks heres my card"
Person at bar"um ye sure one second ok here now just go steady on the drinks"
*back at ur table some how u make it*
1"ayy lily got them"
2"yesss lils"
*ur nick name for ur friends*
*u sit down and start taking shots with ur mate and the other drinking the fosters u r all drunk and decide to go back to the hotel and drink there cuz they wont serve u or ur mates anymore cuz ur too drunk*

~back at the hotel room~

1"hey look what I have I took it from my house"
*mate 1 pulls out a bottle of vodka from her bag*
"Ayo when did u get fun"
2"innit we were taking shots and u were sitting there with ur plain fosters"
1"shut up I've always been fun"
*u all laugh and open the vodka as one of ur mates grab the cups from the hotel cupboard*

*u all start drinking again and end up doing karaoke on the hotel tv one of ur mates have passed out on one of the beds but u and ur other friend r still singing along to the songs*

(Not passed out like asleep passed out if u get me)

*after awhile ur other friend fell asleep also so u turn off the tv and climb in bed grabbing the rest of the vodka in the bottle and taking it with u, u try grab ur phone out ur bag while drunk but u dont get far before falling asleep*

(Sorry I'll have to time skip cuz everyones asleep so ye sorry if u cant really understand what that was about)

~time skip to morning~

*u wake up and realise ur friends must have left already u get up and try make ur way to the bathroom feeling dizzy u finally make it and end up throwing up in the toilet *

(Btw u have a hangover)

*u finish and then get up from the floor to brush ur teeth and get ready by that u just clean put by washing ur face and fixing ur dress up so u cant see anything u then start putting ur heels back on and walking out the room and out the hotel*

(U walk home u will pick up ur car later cuz ur still a little bit drunk and have a hangover)

Tommy's pov:

*I wake up from hearing someone stumble through the door I get out of bed and walk out my room to see lily downstairs trying to get up from the floor*

Tommy sighs and starts walking downstairs to help u*

"Hey tommy what's up"
T"y did u have to get drunk"
*he helps u up to ur room and takes u in ur bathroom then u sit down on the floor next to the toilet as tommy gets his phone and brings it back to where u r and calls wilbur*

T"hey Wilbur ik its really early but I need ur help I cant wake my mum so I need u"
W"what is it tommy"* he says in a sleepy voice*
T"its lily she has just came back from being out"
W"shes only just got back I thought she went shopping"
T"ye well she clearly didnt shes drunk what do I do"
W"omg well first off make sure shes sat up right"
T"ok ye she in I'll put u on the side facing us so u can tell me what to do"
T"there now what"
W"ok does she have a cup so u can fill it up with water"
T"she has her water bottle in her room"
W"ok go get it be quick"
T"ok here I got it"
W"fill it with water"
T"oh god shes throwing up"
W"ok is she over the toilet"
W"ok good just get her that drink and hold back her hair for her"
T"uhm ok"
W"ok when shes finished wipe her mouth with a cloth or something and give her that water"
T"ok here lily drink up"
W"ok well that's all u can really do make sure she drinks lots of water and once shes done in the bathroom move her into her bed and keep her on her side and put a bowl next to the bed"
T"ok thanks wilbur ur a  life saver"
W"uhm imma go back to bed now call me later so ik shes alright bye"

*wilbur ends the phone and goes back to bed while tommy carrys on helping u following what wilbur said*

*he quickly goes downstairs to get a bowl and sets it by ur bed and goes back in the bathroom to help u up and put u in bed and takes the water bottle out of ur hands and places it on ur bedside table and positions u on ur side on ur bed and leaves u leaving the door half open so if u need he can help or ur mum*

*he goes back to his room and jumps on his bed and grabs his phone and texts tubbo cuz he know he will be awake*

T:hey tubbo.
Tubbo:hey tommy what's up.
T:nothin much just had to help my sister.
Tubbo:what happens like.
T:she just came in drunk.
Tubbo:only now I thought she went shopping.
T:ye well shes now drunk and I had to wake up wilbur so he could tell me what to do cuz I couldn't tell my mum cuz she would be annoyed.
Tubbo:well is she ok.
T:ye she should be shes gone to sleep now.
Tubbo:ok guess that's good well we should both get some sleep night tommy.
T:ye night tubbo.

*u go to sleep*

~time skip to morning~

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