the aftermath

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~time skip to the hospital~

W pov:

*i get off the phone with george i cant keep it to myself ik i should but its too much* he makes a discord call with most of them:karl alex tommy tubbo and this one hurt the most to add cuz he knew he shouldnt have ranboo.

All:"hey whats up"
Alex"hey u ok wilbur"
W"its y/n!"
R"what the hell happend to her"
All"wilbur tell us"
W" in hospital"
R"no what happend"
W"she was in a crash george told me not to tell anyone but i couldnt hold it in its all to much"
T"so this is what u was holding in"
W"no tommy it wasnt"
T"so what was it what was u keeping from us"
W"ok ok... ranbo...
*he gets intrupted*
R"we dont need to know what we need to know if what hospital is she in im going to see her"
W"one i wasnt meant to tell anyone two i dont know george didnt tell me"
T"soo its something to do with ranboo"
R"shut up dont u care shes in hospital"
R"anyways im going to go to every hospital to find her so cya"
*the call ends*

R pov:

He thinks out loud* this is my fault. (Lets just pretent ranboo has a roomate cuz y not lets pretent its eret)
Ranboo smashes his mirror waking up eret in the other room.

Ranboo walks out his room to see eret standing outside his door as he pushed passed him.

Eret"what the hell ranboo" *he said while wiping his eyes*

R"what eret" *he said kinda annoyed but upset at the same time*
E"y did u smash ur mirror and y r u so angry"
R"shut up im going to the hospital ok"
*he said wiping the blood off his hand from smashing him mirror picking up his keys walking out the door*
E"y ur hand isnt that bad"
R"its not for me ok"
E"im coming with then"

*they both get in the car and drive to different hospitals nearby and none he didnt find u he gets back in the car and eret starts to speak before getting inturputed*

E"so y r u going loads of hospi...
*ranboo scream crys (if u know what its called) and put his head on the wheel.
E"wow man r u ok what happend y r u doing this"
R*crys* its y/n shes in hospital she qas in a crash and its all my falut"
E"ok so u like her ok then well lets swap ik one last hospital u havent checked.

*u both swap seats and eret drives to this hospital*

E"almost there"

Georges pov:

*Ur both at the hospital now u r in a hospital bed george is in the waiting room*

*he is walking back and forth in the waiting room whispering to his self*

G"pls be ok pls y/n"
G"this is his falut he didnt answer her when i told him how she felt"
G"he almost killed her"

*the doctor walks in*

D1"george isnt it"
G"oh umm yes im with y/n"
D1"ok we have some questions for u"
G"oh ok but is she ok"
D1"she should be fine but she had a pretty bad crash"
D1"ok so lets start"
D1"so who r u too y/n"
G"im like a brother i guess"
D1"ok next was u there when the crash happend"
G"no i wasnt i was trying to find her and found her with a crowed around her then the crash happend"
D1"ok so do u have an idea of y she was crying we can tell by the puffyness around her eyes"
G"oh umm maybe cuz well i dont know how to put it really her boyfriend i guess"
D1"oh ok then thats about it for now ill call u in when u can see her ok"

Y/n pov

*I could see the light of the room i was in blinding me i could see doctors all around me rushing round the pipes going in my arm*

The doctor shouts

D1"shes waking up"
D2"ok get her head rised alittle so she can breath"
D1"yes doctor get some more pillows"
D3"yes on my way"
D1"ok thank u"
*doctor 3 comes back with the pillows*
D3"here i got them"
D2"ok thank u"
*doctor 2 puts the pillows under my head*
D1"ill go get the brother"

*the doctor walks towards the waiting room one tall new person with the brother*

G"oh doctor how is she"
D1"so is this the guy"
*george turns around*
G"ranboo how did u know oh wilbur he told u didnt he"
R"yes he told mostbof us now where is she"
G"u know this is kinda ur falut he didnt reply to her so she cried until she couldnt even see where she was going"
R"ik ik and i want to say sorry"
G"sorry wont cut it shes in loads of pain"
G"sorry doctor"
G"so how is she"
D1"u can go see her now"

*the doctor takes them to her room*

D1"u might wont to get her sone clothes she can go in the morning she will just need alittle help with some things ill leave u both"

G"ok ill get her some clothes in a bit"
R"thanks doctor"

Y/n pov:

*u try look up as u hear people walk in ur room*

"G..George is that u"
G"yes y/n its me ur ok good"
*he hugs u as u hug back when he is bending over to hug u (cuz ur in the bed still nothing rude) u see a tall figure near the door*
R"hey y/n im sorry"
*george backs away letting them talk*
G"hey umm ranboo im going to get her some clothes for to night and tomorrow when she goes home"
R"ok cya later"

*george leave to go to ur apartment to get clothes*

R"im really sorry y/n i really am"
*he looks down at the floor as he sits in the sit next to u.. u try sit up but it still hurts alittle*

U groan as u sit up ranboo looks up at u and stands up to try stop u from putting urself though pain*

R"wait u will hurt ur back"
"Im fine"
R"be careful"
*ur lips a gap away*
U lean in and kiss him*
R"umm y/n"
*u start kissing him again as he kisses u back then u back away and slap him*
R"i kinda deserve that"
U laugh*
"I wanna ask u something ranboo its a bit werid since im in this bed and in hospital but will u be my boyfriend"
R"oh umm yes i luv u y/n i have for awhile thats y i didnt answer u cuz i thought u was mad at me"
"I was never mad i thought u was mad and upset at me cuz i yknow when i was drunk so ye"
R"trust me i wasnt"
"Sorry for making u all worry"
*george is back with the clothes*

"George can u get the doctor pls"
G"y whats up did ranboo do something to u"
R"i didnt to anything george"
"Its not any of that i need a shower before i go to sleep i feel gross"
G"oh um well the doctor said they cant really cuz the cant wash u fully but they said we cant either and u cant either cuz u will hurt urself but the said u can have a baby wipe shower and we will just have to leave and u will have to cover up so one of us can help u on the parts u cant reach"
"Oh umm ok well will u help me get up so i can u know shower if thats what u wanna call it but i dont who i want to come in and help me get the parts i cant "
R"well i could"
G"ranboo she will choose"
R"well y would she choose u"
G"well we have been friends for ages and im like a brother well i guess thats kind werid but ur like a stranger"
"Guys just get out ill make up my mind while im doing the rest of what i can reach"
G"ok if u need me shout and dont lock the door so if u fall or is in pain i can come in and help"
R"me too"
(Hhaha next chapter i will finish but lets see what happends;).. )

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