guess it was

6 1 0


Tw:not eating,drinking,mention needle

*they both leave the bathroom and sapnap tells the group that technos coming home tonight and the reason and then all watch a movie later on everyone goes to there own dorms and go to there rooms to sleep*

~time skip~

*u woke up soon after falling asleep and drank the rest of the alcohol and any of what u had in the house well most of it before going to lay on the sofa*

Technos pov:

(Btw phil wasn't at home he was catching up with his mother let say idk)

*techno pulls in the drive and sees ur car assuming u was inside he walks in but sees u passed out on the sofa he just thinks ur asleep until he walks to the front of the sofa to see bottles upon  bottles of alcohol he wraps a blanket around u and tries to wake u but u dont respond he check ur breathing and see its slower than normal he quickly picks u up and puts u in his car driving to the hospital*

~at the hospital~

*the doctors take u from techno as he waits impatiently to see u after a couple hours a nurse come out in the waiting room meeting with techno*

T"is she ok...what happened"
Nurse"she got alcohol poisoning and I just need some details"
T"yes ok can we make it quick as possible"
Nurse"so what r u to katelynn"
T"im her brother my dad phil adopted her then she was 6 he mum left her when she was born and her dad died on her second birthday and she is now 18"
Nurse"ok that should be all we need for now"
T"ok thank u can I see kate"
Nurse"yes follow me"

*the nurse sets off through the double doors and then long hallway coming to a stop at room 167 she opens the door*

Nurse"shes still unconscious but she should wake up soon around 30 to 40 minutes just be careful then she wakes up"
T"yes ok"
Nurse"ill leave u too"
T"thank u"
*the nurse and doctor leave techno holds ur hand tight and just thinks y u did this y would u do such I thing what happened...he gets a notification and sees it's from the entire group that u are friends with he sees there asking if ur ok because of what happened with clay techno doesn't get half of it but just texts back...

Hows kate

Were in hospital shes next
To me rn

They all text back worried saying they r gonna arrive in the morning...soon he had fell asleep on the chair next to ur bed still holding ur hand*

~time skip in the morning~

"T..techno w..wake u..up"
*u say in a whisper slightly looking at ur hand inter locked with his shaking it and looking at him*
T"um...*he opens his eyes to see u*...katelynn ur ok thank god y would u do that to urself"
"T..techno I'm tired is a..anyone coming to visit"
T"ye all of them"
"E..even c..clay"
T"ye dream is y"
"Can u tell h..him what happened to me and then this h..he will u..understand"
T"ye of s..sure"
"I love u,but I dont know if u do
But this is how I cope

(This is problems by deathbyromy I just changed that lyric to fit this)

I like coke but only if ur mixing it with jack, then its dope
Put it in my cup then pass me the smoke
I ain't tryna think about the world
I got too many problems....and tell him I'm really sorry for what I did I didnt want it to be like this I really did love u and still do"

*u fall asleep and the doctor comes in*

Doc"did she wake up"
T"yes shes just gone to sleep she said she was tired"
Doc"ok good I'm just gonna give her this needle"
T"ye ok"
*techno moves away and he gives u the needle u wake slightly but ur too tired to wake up so u stay where u r*

Doc"ok that's it oh and btw u have some  visitors u can stay in here with them unti she wakes up or u can wait in the hospital cafe"
T"ye ok I'll go see them"
*the doctor leaves techno says goodbye to u even though he will see u in a second and he meets the other guys in the cafe*

~at the hospital cafe~

N"how is she"
Tub"has she woke up"
T"shes ok and ye shes woke up but she just went to sleep cuz shes tired we can see her soon"
G"ok good"
K"how did this happen"
A"what was it"
T"she got alcohol poisoning I didnt even know I walked in and just thought she was asleep on the sofa so I went to put a blanket over her and when I walked infront of the sofa and saw bottles upon bottles next to the sofa and noticed that she was unconscious and her breathing was slowed and took her straight to the hospital later on after i texted u all I fell asleep in the morning she woke up and woke me up and before u came she said she had a message for u dream"
D"wait what really"
T"yes...she said to tell u this I wrote it down so it doesnt sound as weird coming from me"
*he hands him the note as dream reads it*

*dream reads 'I love u but idk if u do but this is how I cope...

like coke but only if ur mixing it jack then its dope..put it in my cup then hand me the smoke I ain't tryna think about the world I got to many problems...I'm really sorry for what I did I didnt want it to be like this I really did love u and still do'*
T"she said u will understand what she was saying"
D"i do I'm going to see her"
*dream walks out the cafe and through the halls to find u*

~at the cafe~.

T"so r them two seeing or what cuz that's funny"
K"um well they were but no ones sure anymore I think that's what's happening now"
A"ye probably hes probably apologising now"

~in ur hospital room~

*he walks in and wakes u up*

"H..hey clay, d..did u get my letter"
D"yes I did w..what d..did u mean u were sorry...sorry for what"
"I love u clay also I'm sorry I missed ur 20th"
D"i love u too and it's fine but pls tell me what u mean"
"I mean the hickeys I dont wanna talk about I need rest I'll talk to u later"
*get get comfy in bed again and dream walks back out the room back to the other at the cafe*

G"did u speak to her"
D"ye I did"
N"u ok"
D"im really confused"
A"whats a matter"
D"its about the hickeys she was talking about them and she said shes too tired to explain and that she loves me then went back to sleep"
S"oh um I think this might be best if we come out now"
Tub"not to ruin ur guys time with u all coming out but it's not really the right time"
G"no not coming out like that we need to tell u something about kate that she didnt mean to tell us"
S"it was before u took her out to that park that she was talking to us saying shes scared and what if u found someone better and if ur gonna leave her and If u still think she cheated and then she accidentally blurted out that it wasnt her fault that her so called cousin lee sexually harassed her"
T"wait when was this"
D"oh god it was the day at the weekend when she went home early from the road trip"
G"ye oh god it is I cant stop thinking about it all we can do is keep her safe"
A"we will keep an eye on her"
T"she will be staying with us and for now on until it's safe someone needs to be with her every second"
D"once we know shes alot more safe she can live with me I'm moving out of the dorms and getting a house"
T"ok but I swear to god dream if u lay just a single hand on her and she doesnt want it there no matter where it is on her body ur dead u hear me"
D"yes loud and clear"
T"ok good"

~time skip u get out of the hospital and go home everyones there phil is coming home later~

"I'm off to bed night everyone"
T"night sis"
D"night kate"
Tub"cya in the morning"
N"night night"
K"have a good rest"
G"gooodnight kate"

*u head to bed niki sleeping top and tail with u and tubbo on the floor techno in his room with sapnap karl and alex on his floor dream slept on the sofa later in the night phil comes home and goes to his own room*

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