the secret is out but will he keep it

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⚠️mention of abuse⚠️

"He said I did this to myself and I had to get punished for it will u protect me pls I dont want that again"
R"come on lily let's get u some water"
*he grabs a water bottle out his pocket and hands it to u and waits with u while u talk on and on*

Will or Karl's pov:

*karl finally finds wilbur and sits next to him*

W"what do u want karl"
K"i just wanted to say sorry it was my fault and we were both drunk it didnt mean anything trust me I would never do that to u will"
W"ye but how do I know she wouldn't"
K"will dont be like this u know she loves u and cares for u she would never do that to u to hurt u do u even know she drank all the beers we had and nearly fell into the sea"
W"what do u mean"
K"the beers we had left she took them and drank them all and would have fell in the sea if ranboo wasnt there"
W"i could have saved her if no one was there she would be gone and I was just selfish and blamed it on her I..."
K"well y u still sat there care for her now"
*will stands up and follows karl to where u and ranboo r sat on the beach u hear people approach so u look behide u and see wilbur and stand to run to him still a little drunk*

*u hug him*
"I'm so sorry I shouldn't  have done that I love u and always will pls forgive me"
W"its ok lily ik what happened I'm sorry for going at u like that come on let's all go home"

*will picks u up and takes u to the car and everyone gets in*

W"hey ranboo shes staying in the back with u take care of her karl ur staying in the front"
R"ok that's fine I've got her some water"
W"ok well keep an eye on her make sure shes ok"
K"wilbur stop stressing he will care for her until we get home now let's go"
W"ok ok"

*will starts to drive there all talking u cant keep ur eyes open u fall and end up laying on the seat*

W"hey ranboo she ok back there shes quiet"
R"ye shes just laying down"
W"ok well make sure shes safe"
R"ye.... am doing"
K"how long till were home"
W"soon karl"

~time skip a few minutes later ur at the house~

*u pull into the drive and ranboo wakes u up and helps u out u all walk in the house ranboo helps u to the sofa u sit down yawning*

"Guys I think I'm going to go to bed I dont feel that good"
W"let me help u up lily"
*he says as he goes to help u up then realises u have passed out dead asleep on the sofa*
R"just leave her let her sleep shes been through alot today"
*karl yawns*
K"i think I'm gonna go to bed guys see u in the morning"
*he heads upstairs and goes to sleep*
R"come on wilbur let's go she'll be fine just cover her up so she wont be cold"
W"ye ok"
*he covers u up and walks upstairs ranboo goes to his own room and wilbur does the same they both go to sleep*

~really early in the morning~

*u wake up ur head feeling like u got hit with a hammer u get up and go dizzy u make ur way to the kitchen and get a glass of water and go lay back down u go on ur phone*

~time skip to morning~

*Ranboo walks down the stairs and sees ur awake and sits next to u*

R"hey um lily about...yesterday did.. u mean that"
"Um what do u mean I must have said alot of bullshit last night I have the worst hangover ever"
R"oh of course u dont remember"
*ranboo thinks to himself should I tell her or leave it*
"What is it ranboo tell me I want to know"
R"oh um r u sure it's about.....about ur ...."

*wilbur had woken up and came down*

W"morning what r u two talking about"
"Oh hi wilby just ranboo's telling about what I said last night"
R"oh ye and that was it"
*u give a confused look at ranboo*
"What r u talking about u havent told me anything yet have u I dont think I heard my head hurts"
R"oh it doesn't matter it was just stupid stuff anyways"
W"well I was thinking we could have a lazy day today"
"Oh well about that I have to go home"
*karl hears what's going on and is at the top of the stairs and listen no one knows hes there*
K"aww do u have to it's been fun with u here cant u stay a little longer"
W"ye cant u"
"I'm sorry I would but I promised tommy I would be back today I'm sorry guys we can always plan something to meet everyone u can always come visit I dont mind"
R"ok well u better get up than and get a shower and change u smell like sick and alcohol dont want tommy smelling that do we"
*he says jokingly u giggle*
" ye that would be bad I'll go get one now"
*u walk upstairs and go to Wilburs bathroom and start the shower and get in u end up singing after awhile u start to cry wilbur is at the other side of the door listening to u*
"Then u say to me u made a dumb mistake u start to tremble and ur voice begins to break.........
And my friends said Ik u love her but it's over mate it doesnt put the phone away it's never easy to walk away let her go it will be alright......
It's not the fact that u kissed him yesterday it's the feeling of betrayal that I just cant seem to shake...."

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