the other new song

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Ur pov:

*I wake up and look outside my window still night I get out of bed and walk towards my desk sitting on my chair and turn over a new page in my note book labled diary because when u got the book it was the only one there so u got it anyways i start writing another song still not finishing my other new song but started writing this song anyways this is what u write...

(The songs at the top but let's just say u wrote it and sang it so it wouldn't be in that voice)
New song

Name of song: changes


I've been going through the motions learning how to pretend that everything is perfect.


And I've been sinking in an ocean drowning but I'm silent yet everyone thinks I'm afloat.


I'm running through mazes, mazes maybe it's just a phase but regardless I'm flipping the pages, pages.


Im going through changes but I swear I'm the same could u show me some patience along the way. I'm going through changes but I swear I'm the same could u show me some mercy if I start to stray.

*and so on and end up writing the whole song then look at ur phone and realise what time it is 2:47 so u decide to get at least an hour of sleep so u turn of the light on ur desk and get back into bed*

~time skip morning~

Tommys pov:

I wake up and all I can hear r the birds outside so I get up and join some people on the SMP

~time skip to the afternoon everyones awake Tommy's still gaming with breaks in between ur awake and about to get changed~

Ur pov:

I finish some of the other song names remember that night then decide to play some guitar and sing along after a while of playing I get ready and put on this and do my makeup...

Then grab my phone off charge and grab my car keys and go out the door getting in my car driving to the cafe that person was talking about abit out of town near the hotel*

~time skip u r at the cafe~

C/n"hey welcome to... *they turn around* omg its u that girl I saw last night"
*u smile and walk towards the counter*
"Hey I thought I'd come down I have nothing else to do and I need some coffee so ye"
C/n"ye well I'm glad u came its good to know u got home safe so what will it be"
"Oh just a mocha pls"
C/n"coming up...oh wait I never actually got ur name what Is it"
"Its lily"
C/n"thats a nice name"
"Thanks ur is too"
*u both go on and on until u think it might be time u head home so that's what u do*
"Hey sorry but I have to go see u around"
C/n"ok cya hope I see u soon"
*u leave and get in ur car and make ur way home*

~time skip ur about to walk through the door and tommy and ur mum r sat at the table eating~

"Oh hey"
T"hey" *he tried to say with food in his mouth*
"Tommy not with food in ur mouth pls and chew u will choke"
Mum"tommy shes right"
T"whatever I'm done now anyways"
*he says as he gets up and scrapes his place and washes it up heading up stairs again u sit down on the sofa while ur mum washes her own plate*
"What's up with him"
Mum"idk hes been upstairs all day"
"Um I'll check on him when I go up"
Mum"ok...r u sure u dont want anything to eat I can make u something"
"No its fine mum" *u say as u thought about an idea*

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