im here...

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*he ends the call*

Y/n pov:

*u meet up with ur friend and plan to go out again maybe to the pub on Saturday*

*u drive home after finishing work early and talking to ur friend*

~time skip to noon~

Alex pov:

*he calls karl*

Alex"hey karl I just landed" *he says in a tired voice*
Karl"ok well how u going to find her also u need sleep"
Alex"i know and she called me once and she showed me outside her window and I saw a sign and it was her street name so I googled it"
Karl"well that's one way I guess ok well u better get off and get so sleep when u get there"
Alex"ok sure bye"
*karl ends the call as he puts his phone in his pocket to head on a bus the ur street*

(Btw sorry if I was taking ages to do this I had to think of what to write while having to do school and if this chapter is rubbish I'm sorry I wrote this at night and I've not slept)

(Ok sorry I'm back)

Y/n pov:

*ur at home now doing the usual taking off ur shoes while getting greeted by Oliver and tiger*

*u go sit on the sofa for a little bit on ur phone going through Facebook and other apps as u stand up to do something productive u decide to get a shower so u walk upstairs to ur bathroom and get in the shower playing ur favourite songs and singing along arcade and remember that night*

Alex's pov:

*I found y/n house she didn't answer her phone or door but it was unlocked so I walk in it's quite but I hear I faint voice from upstairs (btw Oliver and tigers on ur bed waiting for u to feed them u forgot) I walk around the house passed the living room then the kitchen up the stairs and find two bedrooms one shut and the other half open where the sound was coming from I walk in*he talks to himself*

Alex"wow it's a nice house"*he walks in the bedroom*
Alex:"wait she has cats wait so is that her singing (btw u have a bathroom joined in ur room) she's good"

*he sits on ur bed petting the cats trying to calm them from informing u someones here*

Y/n pov:

*u r just about to finish ur shower u get out and wrap ur towel around urself and wiping the steam off the mirror to moisturise ur face u grab ur phone off of the counter in the bathroom and open the door to find...

"ALEX" *u drop ur phone*
Alex"y/n sorry for walking in but its nice to see u" *he stands up with his arms open u run to him and hug him tight*
"I can't believe ur here"
Alex"well I am oh and by the way I didn't know u had cats"
"Oh ye the black and white one is Oliver and the other is tiger"
Alex"there cute how come u never told me"
"Oh well never thought oh sh*t I need to feed them I forgot"
Alex"oh I can feed them while u change"
"Oh um thanks I don't know if they will follow u down but u can try"
Alex"well if they don't I'll just set it out and they can follow u down once u change"
"True well there food bowls r near the pantry and the food is in the pantry right as u walk in"
Alex"ok well see u then ur finished"

*u change into ur pjs and walk down stairs with Oliver following u and tiger in ur arms*

Alex"hey there food is done"
"Ok thanks for that" *u set Oliver down and they both walk to the food to eat*
"So how come u came here"
Alex"i wanted to surprise u and come over"
"Well I loved the surprise"
Alex"well that was the idea"
*u both laugh and sit on the sofa*
"So wanna watch a movie"
*u look at him and smile as u grab the blanket and pull it over both of u*
Alex"Um do u have any scary ones"
"Oh um ye here u look"
*u pass him the remote and u open up the blanket and ur side to let the kittens in tiger going straight in between u and alex and oliver staying on ur lap alex picks a movie and starts to play it*
"Nice choice"
Alex"ye I sore the trailer and it looked good but never had time to watch it"
"Well guess u can now"
*tiger walks onto Alex's lap (under the blanket)*
"Guess he likes u"
Alex"ye doesn't he like u"
"Not really Oliver's has always been the more clingy one"
Alex"oh well guess I can tell"

*u both sit and watch the film as a jump scare come on and u jump and hug alex he rubs ur arm comforting u*

(I'm soooooo sorry but I think I'm going to end that story there if I do get time or an idea for it I will finish it but I had a dream and I think ik some of the next story I'm going to write I just have to find time to do it so also sorry for that too)

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