thats a problem

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⚠️Tw:self harm!⚠️

(Also I'm not body shaming)

T"ive messed up big time"

Tubbo"what did u do"
T"i went through lily's laptop"
Tubbo"thats not that bad did she catch u is that the bad part"
T"yes but its worse"
Tubbo"wow so this is really bad ok go on"
T"i thought this boy was her boyfriend and I texted him telling him to come over but it turns out it was her toxic ex"he starts to cry*
Tubbo"oh god um it's ok tommy she will sort it she always finds a way to do so"
T"but I heard her crying"
*tommy jumps at the bang on the wall being ur phone*
Tubbo"what was that its gonna be ok tommy"
T"idk but I hope it will I feel really bad now"
Tubbo"it will be ok she'll be angry for a while and upset but she will be fine"
*tommy sobs and wipes his tears*
Tubbo"do u want me to stay on call with u until u calm down and to distract u"
T"yes pls tubbo"
Tubbo"ok do u wanna get a drink maybe some coke so u dont faint and get comfy"
*u do what tubbo told u to*
Tubbo"ok u comfy"
Tubbo"ok now set me down on ur bedside table and get in ur cover"
T"ok"*he says with a unsteady voice*
Tubbo"ok I'm going to ask u some questions all u need to do is answer for me ok think u can do that"
T"yea ok"
Tubbo"ok ur favourite colour"
Tubbo"what did u have for dinner"
T"sunday dinner"*he yawns*
Tubbo"ok next what's ur favourite game"
T"minecraft"he says in a sleepy voice*
Tubbo"ur doing so good tommy"
T"uhm"he closes his eyes and pulls his cover over his arms and goes to sleep*
Tubbo whispers"night tommy it will all be ok lily will get through it"
*then ends the call*

Ur pov:

*I pace back and forth and finally jump on my bed and scream cry into my pillow so I don't wake anyone who's asleep I just can't believe what has happened this is my fault I should have been more careful then putting my password in I should have known this would happen at one point he's only a child he didn't know*

*u finally fall to sleep after crying for hours*

~time skip to morning~

Ur pov still:

*u wake up not getting much sleep and look at ur phone and see that ur ex has posted again u look at what he posted "look at this skinny bitch she like a stick haha would u dare" u swipe it away and block him then turn ur phone off and put it on charge and go to ur bathroom and open the drawers and get a razor and start cutting ur thigh and wipe off the blood and put a plaster on then put ur shorts back on and walk to Tommy's room*

~Tommy's room~

*u slowly walk in hes still asleep u slowly walk in and shut the door u watch him peacefully sleep u go over and sit on his bed and move his hair out his face and lay down with him hugging him tight and u fall asleep crying quietly*

Mums pov:

*she wakes up after hearing doors open and shut*

*I wake up and check on the children I check Tommy's first since his bedroom is closer*

*she sees u and tommy both asleep u cuddling ur brother she shuts the door as quietly as she can and goes back to her room not knowing she woke tommy*

Tommy's pov:

*I wake up and feel someone cuddling me I turn my head a little and see lily her eyes red from crying I slowly get out of bed and put my cover on her and grab my phone and coke from my bedside table and go to sit I'm my gaming chair not waking lily I plug my headset in and call tubbo and wilbur*

T"hey guys" he whispers
Tubbo"hi tommy r u ok from last night"
T"ye I'm fine I guess" still whispering
W"one what happend and y r u whispering "
Tubbo"its nothing but y r u whispering is ur mum still asleep"
T"i dont think so but lily is"
W"oh but u r normally loud then u say ur family asleep but then I didnt know u had a sister but shes still family"
T"ye it's just what happend and shes tired and kinda asleep in here"
*he turns the camera to show ur back*
Tubbo"aww she fell asleep with u that's cute sibling goals there" he laughs quitely*
*tommy smiles*
W"no one gonna tell me what happend"
Tubbo"wilbur I think it's best we dont speak of that rn"
W"ok fine"
Tubbo"anyways tommy when did she come in ur room cuz i was on call with u when u fell asleep and she didnt come in then"
T"idk actually"
W"wait what I've missed so much"
*they laugh while tommy just giggles so he doesn't wake u up*
*tommy talks to wilbur and tubbo for a bit longer*

Ur pov:

*I slowly wake up remembering I was in Tommy's room u turn round to see him trying to whisper to his friends with one headphone off to he can still hear what's going on in the room*

"Tommy" *u say in a sleepy voice*
T"one sec guys hey lily sorry did u wake u"
*u give a small smile*
"No but thanks for letting me sleep kiddo" *u get out of his bed and walk passed him u russel his hair and whisper "idiot" under ur breath as u walk out his door and walk to ur room to change into this

And do ur makeup while also adding makeup to the plaster to make it match to ur skin colour so ur cant tell u then grab ur purse and take ur phone off charge and walk back into Tommy's room and walk towards him and kiss him on the forehead then sa...

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And do ur makeup while also adding makeup to the plaster to make it match to ur skin colour so ur cant tell u then grab ur purse and take ur phone off charge and walk back into Tommy's room and walk towards him and kiss him on the forehead then say
"Cya later tommy behave for mum pls dont be annoying her and if she asked u to do something pls do it I'll be back later"
T"oh ok where u going"
"I'm just meeting my mates and going shopping and yes I'll get u some more coke I know were running out"
T"ok thanks lily cya later be safe pls dont be coming home to late"
"I want kiddo dont worry if mum asks were I am tell her"

*u walk out his door closing it behide urself and walk down stairs out the door and get in ur car and start to drive to meet up with ur friends at a cafe to get coffee first*

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