what happens now

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D"saying that we have never seen her with anyone...shes always alone"
S"are y guys trying to say she has a hard time with making friends...sounds normal to me"
G"lets just get some sleep guys"
K"ye I agree"
A"ye ok then"

*karl, sapnap and alex sleep in the living room dream goes to his room and george went to his*
(Ye dream and george got assigned in the same dorm and theres one more person in the dorm but shes out)

Ur pov:

*u get up from sleeping after getting put on the bed to sleep u make ur way downstairs better than before*

"Hey phil u ok"
P"katelynn u need to be in bed"
"Phil I'm fine plus I have all week to rest"
P"katelynn I'm sorry to say this but y of all people be friends with those guys"
"What r u talking about phil u know I cant make friends"
*techno comes downstairs*
T"so y were u with them...sorry I heard u guys down here"
"Cuz I had cheer and they were sat on the bleachers once they came down there were talking to me but u know me I stayed quiet and who is the tall one called..."
*they said at the same time*
"ye ok well he noticed I wasnt comfortable so told them to leave so they all did and once I heard there was a party I wanted to go cuz I never do anything so I went and who is the brunette with the white glasses on his head"
"Ye well him...at the party I sat outside and he came out to me saying sorry and got me a drink and that's what happend and u know the rest"
T"so there not ur friends"
"No not really they was just helping me out I guess"
P"well If u ever get uncomfortable call us and we will talk to them"
"Ye ok dint worry I'm fine just a little tir..."
*u pass out lucky into Phil's arms techno opens the door for phil and they tuck u into bed so u can rest*

~time skip to morning~

One of the boys pov:

*theres a door that slams shut waking up karl...karl not knowing what it was or that dream and george had another roomate walks to the door that slammed shut and opens it to see the girl and her partner making out and quickly shut the door waking up everyone they all stayed in bed still tired but dream and george didnt they came out there rooms and walked to karl*

D"oh sorry karl we should have told u we have another roomate"
G"ye sorry karl also the rest of u guys"
K"ye thanks for the warning"
*karl goes to lay back down dream and george walk into their roomates room*

D"hey river sorry about that...diamond"
(Oh ye di is going to be diamond)
Di"hey dream"
R"could u next time tell ur friends to knock or sleep in ur room"
G"really sorry river"
Di"chill river it's ok...guys it's ok were sorry for not telling u we was coming home in the morning"
D"no need it's our fault...um well we will leave u two"
*diamond smiles back at dream and george and then looks back at river and kisses her on the cheek to try cheer her up from her mood and the boys leave the room*

S"so karl told us what happend"
G"Ye sorry about that once they have come out we will introduce u to them"
A"r they nice"
D"ye well river can get moody but shes cool"
K"so who's the roomate cuz u can only have three people in a dorm u,george and one of those"
G"oh river that's our other roomate"
S"here they come"
*he says hearing laughter and it getting louder at the other door they open the door diamond holding and slightly pulling river out the room*

D"so this is diamond"
Di"hey guys...this is river my girlfriend"
R"hey" *says letting go of diamonds hand and giving a small wave
Di"whos this then"
*diamond says standing behind karl placing here hands on his shoulders*

K"i..I'm karl...sorry about earlier"
Di"hey it's fine dont be upset"
G"so river diamond this is sapnap...and alex"
*he said pointing to each of them...giving a wave as there name is said*
Di"nice to meet u all...sorry about river shes not really in the mood today"
D"thats fine we are off out today anyways so u girls have the dorm to ur selves...just dont be going in our rooms like last time"
R"y it was fun"
*she says some how in a emotionless tone*
G"it wasnt for us we had to clean up after u both"
D"ok well guys If u wanna go to ur dorms and get ready we will meet at the cafe"
K"ye ok"
A"lets go then"
S"see u there"
*all three of them leave and george hides to his dorm dream to his to get ready river and diamond go back in rivers room*

Ur pov:

*u wake up back in bed u have a headache but get up anyways u look over at ur desk to see and glass of water so u drink it and get changed and go to technos room u knock*

T"come in"
*u walk in and see him stood putting on his shirt once he has it on u hug him and he hugs u back resting his head on urs*
T"whats this for"
"I guess i feel like it dont ruin it"

~time skip to Monday~

*u arrive back at college to see the group of boys at the entrance u walk towards the building so u can get to ur lessons*

G"hey un katelynn"
*he trys to reach out for u and grabs u, u stand stood still just in horror...suddenly george feels someone touch his shoulder*
T"what did I say about u guys and my sister"
*techno turns george around everyone staring at them techno raises his fist u quickly move inbetween then both*

"Techno no just come on leave it pls"
*techno looks at u and let's go of george then gives them all a look before u walk into the school and techno behind u until u reach another guy*

T"hey um jack"
*he said confused*
T"ye hey"
J"what r u doing here I thought u finished college"
T"ye I did...*techno steps aside making u be seen by jack*
J"oh ur katelynn arent u I think were in the same classes "
T"well I guess u know her then well I want a favor from u if its ok"
J"ye im happy to help what is it"
T"can u look well take care of her while shes in school"
J"sure but y just wondering"
T"u know dream,george,sapnap,karl and alex just arent right for her and they cant be trusted just pls take care off her"
J"ye of course...*he turns to u* well we should get to first period so were not late"
"Uhm...*u turn and hug techno*
Dont hurt anyone pls techno"
T"i wont katelynn"
"Bye I'll see u layer"
T"bye...bye jack"
*he leaves and ur alone with jack walking to lesson he sits next to u*

J"so katelynn I know I'm new to u but let's introduce ourselves probably...hi im jack"
*he says holding his hand out*
"Umm...I'm katelynn"
*u say in a quiet shaky voice u hesitate but shake his hand*
J"well katelynn I have a feeling were going to have some good times together...so tonight wanna come around to mine and we can study"
"Y..ye s..sure"
J"u dont have to"
"No..I.. its o.ok"
*he smiles at u and u give a smile back and let out a giggle and he blushes*
J"ur laugh is cute"
*u go red and turn to the desk*
*that's all u guys could say before the teacher came in and the rest of the class had filled up while u guys were talking*
(Btw all of the group was in this class)

K"pst...pst katelynn"
*u turned and u threw a piece of folded paper u open it up the paper with the words*

'Were all sorry for last week trust me it was never meant to be like that just pls forgive us and talk to us so we know it ok'

*u folded back up the piece of paper and put it back on the table not even look at karl or the others u start panicking ur breathing unstable jack sees something up but as hes about to ask u, u stand up walking up the stairs and then walking out the class jack quickly runs after u and then dream jack catches up to u dream stays behind the corner so none of u see him*

J"hey..hey it's ok breath...look breath with me ok...in....and out ok good good katelynn now again in......and back out there u go ur doing so good once more in....and out"

*once u breathed with him u was back to normal he pulls u back into a hug dream goes back to his dorm*

"Thank u jack"
*u say both pulling out of the hug*

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