the back to trust

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~Time skip it's still night~

*ur awake in the spare room and ur just hugging the hoodie ur wearing crying ranboo couldnt sleep and can hear u he gets out of bed and walks to the room ur in (u forgot to lock the door again when clay left)*

*u hear the door open u quickly cover the cuts and wipe away ur tears*

R"hey...lily I heard u crying I thought I'd come see if ur ok cuz I cant sleep..*ur silent just listening*....look ik I did u wrong but just hear me out...I got hurt about a couple days or weeks  I cant remember when it was but it was before u came over and I was on some pills that made me like that I didnt mean to hurt u"

"And the girl.."
*u say in a quiet voice*
R"i dont even know her Wilbur said I was drunk or whatever and picked her up from the streets and ever since she just stayed here but we got her out"
"R u sure I mean I dont care if u have a girl just I really needed u"


"wait what do u mean by that"
"U know I shared my secrets with u I didnt want u to break them and I really had to get some stuff out and ur the only person I could trust with that and I walked in and as u know I'm sure u remember the rest"
R"do u want to tell me now"
"No it's fine u should get some sleep"
R"ye ok"

~time skip it's still night u think everyones asleep so u go to the balcony and look at the sky and start singing urs and james favourite song u used to sing together all the time~

"Ik ur somewhere out there,somewhere far away...I want u back..I want u neighbour's think I'm crazy but they dont understand ur all I have....ur all i have..and at night then the stars light up my room..I sit by myself...talking to the moonnnn....trying to get to uuu
ON hopes ur on the other side talking to me too...oh am I a fool who sits alone talking to the moon...."

*u wipe ur tears and turn around*
"H..hey karl what y doing up"
K"um well its 3am what r u doing up"
"Oh um nothing just admiring the night sky it's pretty huh"
*u turn back around and look at the sky he joins u*
K"ye it is"
"U never answered my question"
K"oh I woke up and heard someone singing so I came to check and well I found u"
"Cool I guess"
*karl turns u towards him and wipes ur eyes*
"W..what r u doing"
K"ik theres something up lily just pls tell me"
"I dont want to talk about it"
K"lily pls"
"No get off me"
*u struggle to get out*
K"its ok lily calm down I just want to know if ur ok"
"I will be if u just get off me"
*u get out and run to the bedroom again and lock it karl ends up falling asleep outside the door u wait till morning to open the door then the others will be awake*

~time skip morning most people r up~

*u climb over karl and walk downstairs still in james hoodie and the shorts u wore*

*u look up but just walk pass them into the kitchen to get an apple then u grabbed ur keys and left*

*clay woke up when the door closed*
C"whats happening"
A"lily left she didnt even say a word"
G"wheres karl"
C"oh no dont tell me"
A"whats a matter"
*clay gets up and walks upstairs and sees karl outside the spare bedroom asleep on the floor clay drags him up waking him*
K"what the fuck clay"
*clay drags karl downstairs*
"Explain urself y was u outside the room lily was staying in"
A"the hell karl"
K"look I was just trying to talk to her"
G"but y we were all going to wait y did u have to be impatient now it's going to take her longer to talk"
K"ik I've screwed it up in sorry"
C"ill go wake wilbur see if he,ll come with me to find lily"
*clay walks back upstairs and knocks on Wilburs door it's open but wilbur isnt there clay walks to ranboos room and knocks ranboo opens the door*

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