whats the result

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*they go down and wait for u in the living room on the sofa u wait and wait until the test comes back....

u drop to the floor crying happy tears u wipe them away and walk to the railings and shout will up*

"Will can u come up pls"
R"is she alright:
C"whats going on"
*ur shaking*
W"ye I'm coming"
*u walk back into the room and soon after will walks in*
W"whats wrong r u ok lily"
"I'm fine"
W"so y did u run upstairs and ur shaking"
"I..I'm p..pregnant babe"
W"ur what"
"I'm pregnant will"
W"omg I'm so happy"
*he tears up and so do u he picks u up and spins u around he puts u down and u both kiss*
"So what do u think the gender is"
W"well I hope it's a girl but I'll be happy either way"
"Really I was thinking a boy but ye I'll be happy with any how should we tell them"
W"i say we dont a surprise them then u start showing"
"Ye sure that will be sweet..how about my mum and tommy should we do the same abs just visit them"
W"sounds good to me"
"Ok but can we not have a big baby shower I say just close family and friends"
W"ye ok"
*u both go back down and sit down*
C"so what was that about"
*u look at will and give him a look saying what should I say and he gives u the look dont ask me idk u turn back to them*
"Just...the string came out"

*they looked at u confused*

R"we dont know what u mean"
"Ok well keep it that way u dont need to know"
C"ok well who's up for some drinks"
W"ye go on then"
*they all get the drinks clay trys giving u a beer*
"Oh no I'm fine thanks clay through"
R"oh come on lily ur the life of a party here how about gin instead"
*u again push his hand away*
"Ik I'm sorry just I'm on a diet and I'm not allowed to drink sorry guys"
W"ye u sure lily"
*he says so it doesn't look sus*
"Ye I'm sure I think I'm going to go to sleep now anyways I need to be up early in the morning"
C"ok then suit urself night"
R"night lily"
W"ill be up soon lily"
"Ye ok night"
*u walk upstairs and head to bed*

~time skip a couple of months and u start to show but not enough for anyone to notice~

*u get up early and wake up will*

"Will..will wake up we need to get to the doctors for my ultrasound"
W"umm what"
"The doctors come on get up and ready"
W"oh ye ok"
*he gets up and gets ready u wait for him downstairs once hes ready he goes down and u both get in the car and drive to the doctors*

D"mrs soot d1 is ready for u"
"Ok thank u"
*u stand up and wilbur helps u*
D"room 5"
W"ok thank u doctor"
*u ans wilbur walk to the room and go in*
D1"mrs soot yes"
D1"ok and who's this"
"My husband"
D1"ok let's get started sir if u could stand there and mrs just sit up here"
*wilbur stands next to the bed and u r on it*
D1"ok this is going to be cold"
*u nod he puts it on ur belly and u shiver abit*
D1"ok if u look at the screen it will show u we wont know the gender until about ur 3rd ultrasound"
"Ye ok so is that the babys feet there"
*u point to the screen*
*u look at will and smile with tears in ur eyes he looks back at u and holds ur hands*
D1"ok and theres a heartbeat"
W"its going to be a cute baby"
D1"so what u hoping for"
"Well he wants a girl and I'm hoping for a boy but were happy with any"
D1"its normally the other way around"
*u laugh*
D1"ok well its healthy I'll see u for ur next ultrasound"
*the doctor wipes off the gel and u leave and head home ur get home and everyones awake and sat in the garden since its warm*

C"where have u both been"
"Oh just having a walk in the park"
R"oh ok"
W"hey um me and lily was thinking we could all go out and eat"
C"ok where to"
*wilbur looks at u*
"Um maybe a Mexican place"
R"sounds great so I'm in"
W"ye ok I'm in"
C"go on then I'm in"
"Ok well how about now I'm really hungry"
R"ye ok fine I'll drive"
*u all get in the car and drive there u all eat and then head home and go to sleep with it being late*

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