the week trip away

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*Little tw same as last time*

*u and george run off while everyone gets there stuff niki brings ur stuff in and clay brings georges*

(U and him really said shes a runner shes a track star hahah)

G"well that's what u get"
*they all walk in but they do hear george*

N"whats up"
"That fucking cheater he pushed me down the stairs"
G"what u only said first one there"
"Ye but I didnt know u wanted it that bad that really fuck'n hurt yknow"
C"george apologise"
A"ye george dont be a dick"
K"ayo george"
S"go on then"
G" I didnt mean to"
"I'm off to check it out I'll be down in a few"
*u go back upstairs and into a random room to check ur leg to see a bruise on ur thigh u pull ur jeans back up and go back down everyone sat on the sofa*
G"hey katelynn I'm sorry I really didnt mean to"
*he said running up to u and giving u a hug*
"Its fine george I know u didnt mean to it was just stupid little push it's not ur fault I lost my balance guess both of us are competitive"
G"no it was I'm really sorry"
"Its fine trust me george"
*u pull from the hug and pull george to the sofa with all the others for awhile talking*

D"so where r we all sleeping"
G"well katelynn can have the big bedroom"
"George it's fine y clearly wanted it u can have it"
G"no I feel bad the least I can do is let u have the room and that's final"
"Urg fine but if it comes to the point where u still want it u get have it"
D"ok well everyone just get ur rooms for the week"
*they all get in there rooms and unpack there stuff*

*u in the big bedroom
George in the next room
Clay across from urs
Alex across from george
Karl next to alex
Sapnap across from karl
Niki next to sapnap and
Tubbo across from niki*
(Wow that's kinda confusing let me just show yall)

*u in the big bedroomGeorge in the next roomClay across from ursAlex across from georgeKarl next to alexSapnap across from karlNiki next to sapnap andTubbo across from niki*(Wow that's kinda confusing let me just show yall)

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(Sorry it's not the best I tried)

*theres a knock at ur door ur still unpacking*

*they walk in*
D"hey um just wanted to ask if u want to come down and get some dinner"
" s..sure I'll be down in a second"
D"ok well meet u down there"
"Ye ok"

*he leaves and u carry on putting ur stuff away after u put them away u head downstairs and sit next to niki she whispers to u*

N"hey just try ur best to eat what u can"
"Ye I will do"

*u start to eat slowly a couple minutes  later everyone is done ur moving the food around on ur plate*

A"hey if u dont like my cooking I'd rather u say"
*u look up and see alex stood across the table*
"O..oh no it's nice I...i.."
N"here let me take it"
*she grabs the plate and puts the rest in the bin when she walks back she pulls u up from the island and onto the sofa and whispers*
N"its fine I'm proud of u...u ate half of it"
"Ye I guess thanks niki"
N"its all good"

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