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(Btw in this story ur names lily and ur Tommy's big sister also this is not a one shot so if u dont wanna read this ur gonna have to wait until I finish this to do more on shots sorry)

Tommy's pov:

*he's in his room on a discord call while playing minecraft ur in ur room playing ur guitar and writing a song btw they dont know tommy has a sister*

T"guys guys stop I'm on one heart"he shouts*
W"fine god ur no fun sometimes"he laughs out*
(Oh btw no ones dead in minecraft in this story)
Big q"ye ur such a child"they laugh while Tommy's waiting for them to shut up*
T"ok guys that enough I get it im a child now shut up"
W"ok ok sorry tommy"
Big q"ye ok sure"
*u strum ur guitar louder and louder trying adding ur lyrics in*
W"hey what's that"
*they all shut up*
Big q"wow tommy didnt know ur mum played and sang"him and alex laugh*
*tommy gives a look like a not this again look if u get me*
W"so is it tommy"
T"no it's not. my mum couldn't do that"
Big q"so tell us"
T"ill just tell her to shut up one sec guys"
*tommy gets up and storms to ur room while Wilbur and alex r just trying to figure out who it could be*

~in ur room~

*door slams open*

T"hey lily shut up for once or atleast until I end the call"
"Oh h...ok tommy calm down oh I needed to talk to u anyways"
T"what is it"
"I would do it but u would complain so I think I left my pick in ur room last night when I played to u can u go get it pls it should be my black purple one"
*he groans in an annoyed way*
T"FINE but then will u shut up"
*he walks back in his room and trys to find ur pick*

~his room~
*from the headset*
W"hey tommy"he shouted but tommy didnt hear*
T"where is it"*he says to his self*
Big q"whats he looking for"
W"i dont know"
T"lily where was it last"he shouts to u*
U shout back"idk somewhere on ur shelf I think"

W"ohh hes got a women now I'm I'm impressed"
Big q"omg theres no way"
W"i heard a name and a voice but I dont knoww"
Big q"lets ask him when he gets back"
Tommy shouts while walking back to ur room"got it lily it wasnt even near my shelf it was under my bed"

~in ur room~

*u stand up and grab the pick from his hand*

"Thanks and also to ur question early about me shutting up ye that's not happening I'm writing my new song so ye"
*he groans in a annoyed way and storms off slamming ur door on his way out*

~in his room~

*walks back to his chair shutting his door on the way in and sits down putting headset on*

T"hey sorry for that guys"
W"its ok tommy but..."gets interrupted by alex*
Big q"When did u get a women tommy"
T"wait no whoa no no no"
W"so who is she u said shes not ur mum"
Big q"ye so who is it"
*u walk in his room*
"My God tommy that's my old pick u cant do anything can u"
*u walk over to his shelf and grab ur pick and show him*
"See I told on ur shelf u didnt even look did u"
*u walk back in ur own room*
*Tommy's stuck looking into the camera looking at Wilbur and alex*
W"oh u got urself a good looking woman"
Big q"ye well done tommy I'm proud"
*u start playing and singing again*
T"no it's not like that trust me and what Wilbur shes my sister"
W"oh um well when did u have a sister"
Big q"ye y didnt u tell us"
T"its nothing it's not important she just my older sister"
W"oh well u still could of told us"
T"ye well bet u have stuff u dont tell us it's only the same"
Big q"he has a point wilbur"
W"true I guess"
Big q"if u dont mind me asking wh..."alex gets interrupted by Tommy yelling*
*u shout back*
*tommy sighs*
Big q"aw tommy doesn't get his way"
*him and wilbur laugh*
T"sorry guys I cant hear u I'll call u tomorrow"
*he ends the call*

Ur pov:

*u play ur guitar while singing some words to rhyme and then write them down*

*tommy walks in slamming the door open and walking in sitting on ur bed*

T"what now u know how I feel"
"Well that was ur fault u didnt look and got the the wrong one u bring me a broken pick"
T"well u should have knocked and I would have got it for u"
"Well u couldn't find it the first time so how would u find a second time cuz u dont look properly"
T"well..."*he pulls a moody look*
"See u told u also knock next time I'm ur older sister bear in mind"
T"well knock on my door I'm ur brother "
"U wasnt doing anything u was talking to ur mates so ye"
T"well still it's not fair and if ur gonna play at least be quite especially while I'm on call what if I was streaning"
"Well my face wasnt in it anyways I'm tall so ye ur camera was face u and u was sat down"
T"that doesn't matter just leave my alone"
*he storm out ur room*
U shout at him walking towards ur door to shut it*
*he sighs*

*ur mum shouts u both after a while*

"coming mum I'll get tommy his probs have his headset on so he wouldn't have heard u"
Mum"ok lily"

~his room~
*u knock on his door no answer*
"Tommy"u open his door a little and see him on his chair*
"Tommy dinner"
*pull his headset off and hold it high so he cant reach*
T"lily stop"
*u swing them side to side*
"Dinners done kiddo"
*u set his headset down on his desk and russel his hair*
*he grunts*
*u both walk down stairs*
T"mum what is it" tommy sits down as u help ur mum put the plates down*
Mum"Its Sunday dinner tommy"
"Here tommy"
*u place down ur plates down sitting down at the same time ur mum sits down aswell*
*u all eat u finish first so u decide to text ur mates and then place down ur phone still open on the table while u wash ur plate*

"Thanks mum"u say washing ur pots"

*tommy picks up ur phone seeing it's open and starts going through it u puts it back down as ur drying ur hands and walking back to the table u grab ur phone and walk back upstairs and go in ur bathroom to get a shower*

Tommy's pov:

*I put down lily's phone after looking at what she was doing texting her mates saying if they were gonna meet up tomorrow nothing interesting*

T"thanks mum"
*he puts his plate on the side while his mum is washing the plates*

*he walks upstairs and goes in ur room looking for ur laptop cuz he knows ur password be u dont know that he looks through ur messages to try find anything interesting*

Ur pov:

*I get out the shower and stand at the bathroom door looking at tommy*

"Oh hey tommy didnt know ur interested in my life"
*tommy jumps from shock*
T"um l..lily I wasnt doing anything really"
*u look at the screen and see he has texted ur ex he didnt know it was ur ex btw*
"Tommy no y did u do that"
*u rush to the laptop holding ur towel and grab the laptop and place it on ur bed with u while Tommy's still on the floor wondering what he did that was really bad*
T"what what"
"Tommy u idiot"
"Noo u texted my toxic ex"
T"wait that one"
"Yes that one"
T"oh shit I'm so sorry"
"Ye it is shit"
*u try delete it before he see it but it's to late*
T"did he see it"
"Tommy leave me alone dont ever go on my stuff again"
*u shove him out the door and slam it behide him and slide down the side of ur door and put ur knees into ur head crying*
*after crying u walk back over to the laptop and cross off the messages and close ur laptop and go on ur phone and see ur ex has posted "wow she leaves me and after a year or so and wants me back now"

*u throw ur phone at the wall nearly smashing and crying while u change*

Tommy's pov:

*lily shoves me out her room I can hear her crying I walk into my room and climb on my bed calling tubbo almost tearing up he answers*

Tubbo"hey tomm...oh what's wrong"
T"ive messed up big time..."

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